Hey Hey! It’s vocabulary. Rancid Belligerent Sycophant Wan Scruples Inept Insipid Indulgent Candid 1 1 1 1
rancid (adj) Rancid fruit is not a healthy thing to eat. Spoiled and rotting fruit not only makes one ill, it also gives off an unpleasant odor. spoiled smell or taste 2
belligerent (adj) Unpleasant odors have been known to make people belligerent. For example, have you ever been in a crowded location – a movie theatre or elevator – and you smell flatulence? Some people react in violent or aggressive ways. Warlike; aggressive 3
belligerent (adj) Warlike; aggressive 4
a flatterer; someone who fawns; a kiss-up Sycophant (n) Some, however are sycophants and will praise the smellmaker. That’s what sycophants do. a flatterer; someone who fawns; a kiss-up 5 5 5 5
Showing ill health; sickly; lacking color wan (adj) Powerful smells can leave people looking wan. If you see a sickly, pale looking person, it is best to call for help. Showing ill health; sickly; lacking color 6
Morals; ethical considerations; having standards scruples (n) Only a person without scruples would let the person remain ill and steal the person’s billfold when they are busy retching up their lunch. Morals; ethical considerations; having standards 7
Foolish; bungling; lacking ability or aptitude inept (adj) I once knew an inept burglar. She was full of the holiday spirit and constantly wore sleigh bells. As a result, she was in no way stealthy. What is worse, she lacked agility and kept tripping over bits of furniture in the houses she was burgling. Foolish; bungling; lacking ability or aptitude 8
Lacking substance; dull insipid (adj) She used to listen to the most insipid music. I was bored out of my mind whenever she would play it, and I longed for something with more substance. Lacking substance; dull 9
Lenient; allowing things to go on; permissive indulgent (adj) I think she was this way because her parents were too indulgent. They never insisted that she eat her vegetables. The resulting lack of nutrients surely hampered the development of her brain. Lenient; allowing things to go on; permissive 10
Honest; sincere; frank candid (adj) When asked whether she was a burglar, my acquaintance did not try to trick the questioner. She candidly said, “Yes, I I am.” Unhappily for her, the questioner was an undercover policeman, and she was arrested. Honest; sincere; frank 11