How to Use A wiki Tool Demonstration Ghanim Alenizi Kent State University
What Is Wiki? Wiki is a part of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki is free software. There are a lot of web sites using wiki such as Wikipedia, wet paint sit, wiki dot, and wiki spaces…EST. in addition, a wiki allows the user to remove and sometimes edit content.
The Goals Of Wiki Make a group. Help to the teacher. Work collaboratively. Make a group. Help to the teacher. Teach students how to study online. Students will learn how to use wiki.
How To Use Wiki? Login in. Create your account. add your images or text in the wiki. Discussion. Emails. Chat. upload assignment.
Step1: Open wiki and then create a new account write your email and create user name and password.
Step 2: Save your image in your computer and then upload your image in wiki page.
Step 3: Open a new page and then write your ideas and save your text.
Step 4: Open your page and then press edit link after that write your text next save your page.
Step 5: Press email link and then write the email and send your email.
Step 6: Select your chat link it will open and then you will find students in chat room.
Step 7: Select discussion link in the wiki and then select the topic. After that write your ideas and save it.
Why a wiki? Advantages. Disadvantages.
The advantages It`s completely free. Make tables or edit text and image. File uploading and easy importing. Sending mass emails to everyone. Archive your thoughts. Easy to sign in. Fully user-customizable and easy to administrate.
The disadvantages It`s not obvious how to set up. Some tools are not clear. If I want to make upload image I have limited size. The attachment doesn`t work sometimes. “If you need to move off of the wiki to finish what you're working on, that's good too: yes, a wiki is good for collaboration, but it's more important to have a shared memory than a shared workspace. If you need to work off of the wiki--in a Word doc with Track Changes on, or bouncing a text file around in email--do that. Use the wiki when it reduces your workload. You don't need to be strict among a tiny number of people. Wikis happen to be good for collaboration, yes, but what they're really good for is being a space where it's really fast to write things down and find them again”.
Wiki Types Teachers: the teachers can edit and view comment for all members of the group. The group: the teachers and students can edit and view the wiki. Students: “Every student has their own wiki which only they and their teacher can view and edit” .
If you have you questions about wiki ask me any time by email
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