The boy and girl meet at a party.
The girl has too much to drink
She has met a boy at the party.
He talks all about his interests – football and boxing.
He is all over her at the party
He leads her away from the party down to the docks.
He seduces her in a deserted area
Three months later she discovers she is pregnant.
She blames the stories in her magazines for misleading her.
She remembers how the stories in her magazines were full of meeting boys and romance.
She tears the magazines to shreds in despair.
She thinks back to her happy childhood.
She thinks about all the fun she will now have to miss out on.
She feels as though anything would be better than to be pregnant. She worries about how other people will judge her.
Revision Planning: Key Themes of the poem The consequences of teenage pregnancy Romance dreams and reality The consequences of teenage drinking Dreams for the future and how they can quickly change Attitudes to teenagers and their treatment by society.
Revision Planning: Structure 16 verses Each verse 4 lines Rhyme scheme (see rhyme scheme) Very regular, very planned: contrasts with content which becomes chaotic and shows her frustration and rage. Enjambement – see punctuation
Revision Planning: Changing tones First two verses: slightly menacing, disrespectful of girl 3-8 romantic and a sense of excitement and hope Abrupt change in 9 to despair 10 change to frustration and rage 11 and 12 disappointment and bitterness 13 nostalgic 14 disappointment and bitterness 15 and 16 anger and resentment
Language How does the language help to convey the idea you are talking about? Word choice Imagery Punctuation - enjambment the deliberate running over of lines. Normally used to link things together.
Title ‘The Seduction’ Connotations Difference between connotations and reality.
Rhyme Scheme What is the significance of the rhyme scheme? Overall planning of scheme. Any changes? Why is that? Some internal rhyme. What do they draw attention to? “not unlike a ballad” what is the significance of being like a ballad? Assonance- with shoes
Shoes Magazines Symbolism “Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities, by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense. Symbolism can take different forms. Generally, it is an object representing another, to give an entirely different meaning that is much deeper and more significant.” Shoes Magazines
Essay Task 2015. Q. 6 Choose a poem which makes you think more deeply about an aspect of life. By referring to poetic techniques, show how the poet explores this aspect of life.
Essay Task 2015. Q. 6 Choose a poem which makes you think more deeply about an aspect of life. By referring to poetic techniques, show how the poet explores this aspect of life.
Essay Planning Introduction Body section 1 Body section 2 Conclusion
Essay Planning What aspect of life did you think about? What different points about this aspect of life does she make us think about? How does the poet make us think about it?
Essay Planning Remember we are doing this to remind you what a critical essay should be like. We will go through it in detail. However, you need to practise so that you can do this quickly. You need to be able to plan in under 5 minutes. You need to practise so that you can do this quickly.
Essay Planning Introduction Body Section 1 - main idea = how easy to make mistake and get pregnant Body Section 2 – main idea = initial reaction and lost dreams Body section 3 – main idea = how many pregnant teenagers feel despair and judged. Conclusion
Introduction TART Title Author Response Task
TART Introduction Title: ‘The Seduction’ Author: Eileen McCauley Response: your reaction to the text and task Task: your re-working of the essay question.
Body section 1 Topic sentence. This must relate to task. Point must relate to task Evidence = a quotation from the poem to prove your point Explain. Analyse the quotation and show how it proves your point Link back to task