Baltic Science Network Learning Experiences


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Presentation transcript:

Baltic Science Network Learning Experiences Output from Work package 6 Capacity building and learning experiences Authors: Paula Lindroos, Sinikka Suomalainen Åbo Akademi University

About the BSN Project BSN serves as a forum for higher education, science, and research cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). BSN is a political network gathering relevant transnational, national, and regional policy actors from the BSR countries. The Network serves as a springboard for targeted multi-lateral activities in the frame of research and innovation excellence, mobility of scientists and widening participation.

The BSN main objectives Develop and implement science policies and strategies in the Baltic Sea Region in a macroregional dimension Integrate in a coordinated manner macroregional interests into science policy on EU, national, regional and local level Develop and implement transnational programmes to: Support higher education, research and innovation infrastructures Widen Baltic Sea Region multilateral cooperation Develop new mobility tools

The BSN Learning Experiences Methodology 2. Processes, partnership and institutional learning 3. Windows of opportunities 4. The voice of universities: Recommendations from the Baltic University Programme network 5. Key messages 6. Good examples of regional research cooperation

1. Methodology A. Perspectives from the BSN partners through interviews and SWOT surveys (2018) B. The voice of universities: Baltic University Programme (BUP) surveys and workshops (2016-2018)

2. Processes and partnership Forming – Storming – orientation and hesitation: A new road for international macroregional BSR cooperation opened Multistakeholder partnership created confusion Overview of the different research systems in the BSR was not available

… Processes and partnership Norming - Performing – cohesion and solutions: Multistakeholder partnership mostly considered important Better understanding of research policy related issues due to project Concrete actions and continuity were stressed

. . . Institutional learning Two main messages 1. New routines, new contacts, internationalization for the institutions 2. The multistakeholder partnership considered been the best option for the project outcomes

3. Four Windows of opportunities 1. Scientific excellence and internationalization The BSN project is very well in line with the strategies to create excellence and a critical mass in different scientific areas Identify common research challenges and missions, which could be widened to the whole macro-region Redirect strands of existing mobility programmes specifically to BSR

… Four Windows of opportunities 2. Funding programmes Introduce a COST action in the three selected areas, Life Sciences, Welfare State, and Photon and Neutron Science Develop a network of seed money facilities to diversify and increase the efficiency of the funding opportunities

… Four Windows of opportunities 3. Infrastructure Safeguard the international use of middle and small sized infrastructures in the BSR Introduce a forum for BSR level strategic discussions on i.e. new infrastructures

… Four Windows of opportunities - 4. Policy level cooperation Continue the joint work for an increased visibility of the BSR in the EU Introduce Science as a new Horizontal Action in the EUSBSR Involve more BSR science ministries in the BSN through concrete projects -

4. The Voice of Universities - Recommendations from the BUP network - 1. Focus on the most pressing societal and research challenges, and with the involvement of as many BSR countries as possible. Increase the exchange of students within these scientific areas. 2. Focus on networking in academic training at MSc and PhD levels. Young researchers, participating in summer schools, workshops and conferences will recognize good laboratories with good equipment and establish contacts early in their careers.

… The Voice of Universities - Recommendations from the BUP network - 3. Harmonize the mobility opportunities and diversify mobility tools in the BSR. 4. The BSR definitely needs strong internal and external promotion programs.

… The Voice of Universities - Recommendations from the BUP network - 5. Secure a good national level of basic research funding and secure an excellent higher education. 6. Bridge the gaps between EU and non-EU countries, and so increase the potential of research within the whole BSR.

5. Key messages 1a. Do’s for transnational strategy development + Continue the strong support for the need to reduce the innovation gap within the BSR + Support and encourage the scientific excellence in the BSR (IR and critical mass for solving common challenges) + Build on the good track record of the BSN analysis of various research cooperation aspects and mobility trends.  

... Key messages 1b. Don’ts for a transnational strategy development - Avoid the impression of BSR as a non-priority region - National differences in the organization of research and research cooperation need to be bridged - Reflect and find new ways to involve ministries

... Key messages 2a. Do’s for transnational funding/incentive schemes + More and diverse mobility programmes among BSR researchers lead to more exchange and more value added for research for the region + The BSN creates a good example for other regions + Successfully implemented mobility tools can create a stronger network of researchers in the BSR. This creates a spill-over effect for common research projects, publications, share of the infrastructure, etc

...Key messages 2b. Don’ts for transnational funding/incentive schemes - Avoid the problem of the “common pot”; let the processes take time - Do not avoid involving the relevant stakeholders in the processes - By concentrating on only some research topics or infrastructures a large part of the scientific community is left out

...Key messages 3a. Do’s for joint political action/representation of common interest + Continue the BSN work to give research cooperation in the BSR a joint voice + Continue the work for the improvement of the BSR visibility as an excellent research region + Finding and representing the common interest for the BSR will boost cooperation among the partners. More and different opportunities for international cooperation for a more visible region

...Key messages 3b. Don’ts for joint political action/representation of common interest - The BSN may fail to achieve some of its goals if promotion of the BSN's goals are not included in the national positions of the BSR countries - Overcome the many different interests in the BSR countries

6. Good examples of regional research cooperation Foster and encourage more research cooperation BSN, the involvement of stakeholders BONUS, MAX etc. 2. Create better framework conditions (mobility, funding, network etc) BSN mobility tools BONUS, Nordforsk, Seed money tools 3. Make the region visible BSN policy papers Common voice BONUS

Project partners Germany Ministry of Science, Research and Equalities, Hamburg Ministry of Education, Science nd Cultural Affairs, Land of Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Senate Chancellary Hamburg German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Lithuania Ministry of Education and Science Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA) Russia St.Peterburg State University of Economics (UNECON) Norway Ministry of Education and Research Poland Ministry of Scince and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland University of Gdansk Sweden Swedish Research Council Denmark Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Danish Agency for Science and Innovation Transnational Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) NordForsk – Research funding organisation of the Nordic Council of Ministers BUP – Baltic University Programme BSRUN- Baltic Sa Region University Network BONUS STRING Estonia Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Estonia Finland University of Turku Åbo Akademi University (BUP) Ministry of Education and Culture Latvia Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia

Baltic Science Network The full report Baltic Science Network Learning Experiences is available on Photos: sailing ship 1: Artur Magnuszewski, sailing ship 2: Paweł Beca, others: BSN