About 17,000 yield trial plots were coordinated through Raleigh. About 9,000 of these were grown at NC State locations. From these, 10 GEM families are recommended.
ENTRY Source YLD MOIS %EP 2410-003/99 SCRGp3:N14 159 19.0 88 RECOMMENDED FAMILIES ENTRY Source YLD MOIS %EP 2410-003/99 SCRGp3:N14 159 19.0 88 Check mean: 162 18.9 94 27 Env. Tester: T1 CV: 14 7.0 12 T1 = LH132.LH195 721-026/02 DK888:N11 159 19.6 90 Check mean: 165 19.1 90 29 Env. Tester: T8 CV: 13 6.4 12 T8 = FR992.FR1064
RECOMMENDED FAMILIES 751-008/02 DK888:N11 157 20.6 96 751-018/02 DK888:N11 156 21.1 91 751-019/02 DK888:N11 160 21.5 82 751-027/02 DK888:N11 157 21.0 91 751-030/02 DK888:N11 163 21.4 88 751-037/02 DK888:N11 162 20.2 91 751-040/02 DK888:N11 166 20.7 90 791-009/02 DK888:N11 163 19.6 88 Check mean: 167 19.4 89 30 Env. Tester:T8 CV: 12 6.2 14 T8 = FR992.FR1064
Work evaluating tropical inbreds suggests that CML 258, CML269, CML341, CML343, TZI8, AND TZI9 merit attention from GEM. More limited data suggest that CML339, and CA00370 may also be worth using.