Study of Event Reconstruction for Saturated Pulse Qian, Yue IHEP 2002.4.8
What’s the Problem? For the detection of reactor neutrino, the distribution of energy will be on a wider range. So the pulses will saturate for some high energy signals. High energy signals are useful for us to get some information from cosmic ray and some inter-radioactivity.
Works to do! Set up a mathematical model to simulate the complete pulse which has different Q value. Use suitable parameters or method to obtain the relationship of Qpart and Qtotal
Some possible methods Fit the rise part and fall part of the saturated signal . Use the top-flat width of the saturated signal Use the Qpart of the the saturated signal and Qtotal of a statistically good and complete pulse. ( we use it! )
A standard pulse ! What’s A good pulse model? 1. Statistically good 2. Big enough How to get it? add many big enough but not saturated pulses !
The relationship of Q part & Q total For a complete pulse, Qtotal , Qpart (imax=255) (for 512channels) Change the pulse to obtain different Q value
Get the function!
The check of this method! Use 137Cs source 10cm CsI(Tl) crystal + PMT Different HV of PMT 1050v,1100v, …, 1400v
The results of reconstruction for saturated pulses! (1)
The results of reconstruction for saturated pulses! (2)
The Results! All the reconstructed Q value being fitted exponentially. This result is accord with amplification of PMT.
More work! About resolution! This method Suitable range of energy