“God of the Impossible” Luke 1:26-56 Part #3 “God of the Impossible” Luke 1:26-56
I. Another Angelic Visit vs.26-33 Part #3 I. Another Angelic Visit vs.26-33 A. A Young Girl vs.26&27 B. Engaged but Not Married vs.27 C. Highly Favored by God vs.28-33
II. God of the Impossible vs.34-45 Part #3 II. God of the Impossible vs.34-45 A. The Virgin Birth vs.34&35, John 5:12 B. Proof of God’s Power vs.36-38 C. Sharing the Good News vs.39-46
III. The Revolution Begins vs.46-56 Part #3 III. The Revolution Begins vs.46-56 A. A Moral Revolution vs.47-51 B. A Social Revolution vs.52 C. An Economic Revolution vs.53-56