Characters from Edith Hamilton’s Mythology Greek Mythology Characters from Edith Hamilton’s Mythology
Titans Cronus Ocean Tethys Hyperion Mnemosyne Themis Iapetus Atlas Prometheus
Olympians Zeus (Jupiter) Hera (Juno) Poseidon (Neptune) Hades (Pluto) Pallas Athena (Minerva) Phoebus Apollo Artemis (Diana) Aphrodite (Venus) Hermes (Mercury) Ares (Mars) Hephaestus (Vulcan) Hestia (Vesta)
Lesser Gods of Olympus Eros (Cupid) Hebe Iris The Graces: Aglaia (Splendor), Euphrosyne (Mirth), Thalia (Good Cheer). The Muses
Gods of the Waters (other than Poseidon and Ocean) Pontus Nereus Triton Proteus Naiads
Gods/creatures/places of the Underworld (besides Hades) Persephone Tartarus/Erebus Charon Cerberus The River Styx The Erinyes (the Furies)
Lesser Gods of Earth Demeter (Ceres) Satyrs Dionysus (Bacchus) Centaurs Pan Gorgons Silenus Sirens Helen of Troy Fates