Lesson 3: How Do Weathering and Erosion Affect Rocks? Chapter 7 The Rock Cycle Lesson 3: How Do Weathering and Erosion Affect Rocks?
Erosion- The process of moving sediment from one place to another. Weathering-The breaking down of rocks on Earth’s surface into smaller pieces. Erosion- The process of moving sediment from one place to another. Steps of erosion- 1. rock must break up into bits of sediment. 2. erosion can move the sediment to another place. What does weathering do to rock? Weathering breaks rock into smaller pieces. What does erosion do to rock? Erosion carries broken pieces of rock from one place to another. How do weathering and erosion change the land? They break and move pieces of rock, which change the look of landforms on Earth’s surface. What is the effect of weathering? Weathering breaks down rock into smaller pieces. Have students complete a graphic organizer for cause and effect. Identify 3 causes and effects. Weathering- helps shape landforms. Water- can wear away rock salt, calcite, and limestone. Weathering- forms sinkholes. Sinkholes form when water slowly dissolves underground rock. Now ask what is the effect of weathering? Go over formation of sinkhole page 299. Show science video. Then ask by show of hands who has ever seen a sink hole before? Show pictures.
Sinkhole Pictures Ask students by show of hands how many of you think we have sinkholes in New Orleans? Show videos on next slide.
https://video. search. yahoo https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=AwrTcX6FEklar_U A_5eJzbkF?p=sinkholes+in+new+orleans+louisiana&fr=skyh&fr2=p%3 As%2Cv%3Ai%2Cm%3Apivot#id=9&vid=1acc9706840bdb7f042c7805 dbe4e461&action=view https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=AwrTcX6FEklar_U A_5eJzbkF?p=sinkholes+in+new+orleans+louisiana&fr=skyh&fr2=p%3 As%2Cv%3Ai%2Cm%3Apivot#id=6&vid=8e38b809ae1304aab11ecd2c efcd00ab&action=view https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=AwrTcX6FEklar_U A_5eJzbkF?p=sinkholes+in+new+orleans+louisiana&fr=skyh&fr2=p%3 As%2Cv%3Ai%2Cm%3Apivot#id=20&vid=9d0852af99aefe6409aa3c16 aff7a754&action=view
What physical processes cause weathering? Weathering by physical process. Water, ice, wind Living things Changes in temperature Have students complete a graphic organizer describing the physical processes of weathering before you show the graphic organizer. Interpret visuals. Inquiry skill. Page 300. Then read page 301 Interpret visuals. Then cause and effect question on next slide.
Main causes of erosion Water Wind Glaciers How does ice cause weathering? When water freezes into ice, it expands. The ice pushes against the cracks or holes in rocks that contain it, causing the rocks to break. Main causes of erosion Water Wind Glaciers Have students complete art link after answering ice cause weathering question. Read page 302 on erosion. After 1st paragraph talk about develop science vocabulary. Continue reading then have students complete a graphic organizer. Do interpret data. Show pictures of boulder city when traveling through. Show video.