Creating forms by ‘AutoForm’ Activity 4 Creating forms by ‘AutoForm’ In this activity, we are going to learn how to use ‘AutoForm’ to create a form and enter several new records with the form created. Start Microsoft Access and open the database file ch10_01.mdb. Select the table ‘AIRLINE’.
Creating forms by ‘AutoForm’ Activity 4 Creating forms by ‘AutoForm’ Select ‘Insert’ ‘AutoForm’ to create a form. Alternatively, click the ‘AutoForm’ button on the toolbar. The form created contains all the fields of the table ‘Airline’. Select ‘File’ ‘Save’ to save the form. Alternatively, click the ‘Save’ button on the toolbar.
Creating forms by ‘AutoForm’ Activity 4 Creating forms by ‘AutoForm’ In the ‘Save As’ dialogue box, enter ‘AIRLINE FORM’ as the form name and then click . Click ‘Forms’ on the ‘Objects’ panel. Double-click ‘AIRLINE FORM’ to open the table ‘AIRLINE’ in this form. OK
Creating forms by ‘AutoForm’ Activity 4 Creating forms by ‘AutoForm’ Enter the new airline records below into the form. Close the form and exit Microsoft Access. Airline IATA Code Enquires RED Air RAX 20001111 JAVA Air JAX 31223122 Air ABC AAB 30018888
Creating forms by ‘AutoForm’ Activity 4 Creating forms by ‘AutoForm’ Enter the new airline records below into the form. Close the form and exit Microsoft Access. Airline IATA Code Enquires RED Air RAX 20001111 JAVA Air JAX 31223122 Air ABC AAB 30018888