VELA – CLARA AP (Draft) Goals 2016-2017 Software Goals Duncan Scott
Introduction The standard to aim for when operating VELA / CLARA is that procedures, measurements and data acquisition should be automated and quantified. The AP work should be aligned with the relevant Goals. The tools we develop should be prioritised to achieve those goals
VELA / CLARA Goals (Presumably not up for discussion?) Measure 400Hz gun emittance, momentum spread and bunch length as a function of charge, laser pulse length, laser transverse spot size and repetition rate. Investigate 400Hz gun momentum and temporal stability. Demonstrate 10Hz operation of the 10Hz gun with Linac 1 and measure the maximum beam energy. The r.m.s. energy jitter at 30MeV to be <1% (long term target <0.1%) measured over seconds, minutes and hours. Establish transport of >40MeV beam to Beam Area 1 and >20MeV beam to Beam Area 2. Measure emittance after Linac 1 at 40MeV as a function of charge and laser pulse length.
AP Priorities To be able to measure the transverse and longitudinal properties of the beam Requiring good beam transport and steering Requiring Working BPMs, Screen Image Analyser and Charge Monitor Having a working Virtual Machine with incorporated online-model will enable offline development of tools This is not directly related to the main goals, but it enables the development of all tools, plus is required for a vision of automating machine set-up
Work Areas / Tasks
Work Areas / Tasks
Beam Diagnostics Calibration, Analysis and Monitoring
Beam Setup, Monitoring and Stability
Beam Characterisation: High Level Measurements / Modelling