The Draft
What is the draft? The Selective Service System is an independent agency, who upholds and enforces the draft, that is linked with the Executive Branch. Their mission is to provide more men for the Armed Forces during a period where Congress and the President believe there needs to be replenishment.
Who must register for the draft? Requirements: All male U.S. citizens. All male non-U.S. citizens living in the U.S. Males ages 18 through 25 There is a 60 day window in order to register. (30 days before 18th birthday and 30 days after)
Non-Citizens, Hospitalized/ Incarcerated Men, Disabled Men All non-citizens are required to register even including illegal aliens, legal permanent residents, and refugees. Men who are in hospitals, mental institutions, or prisons are not required to register until they are released. All disabled men must register.
Women Women aren’t required to register. Law that is written states specifically “male persons”. President Clinton requested the Department of Defense look into the issue in 1994.
What if you don’t register? Failure to comply (upon conviction) can be punishable by: A fine of up to $250,000 Imprisonment for up to five years Or both
How do they decide who goes? The Selective Service Lottery Based on the birth dates of registrants 1st men drafted would be those who are turning age 20 of that calendar year Ex: If a draft is held in 2009, those men who were born in 1989 would be put in a lottery first. Then the next called would be those that are 21, then 22, and so on. The young men would not be called until all 20-25 year olds were called.
Postponements Some possible postponements are: Full-time college student who desire to finish their current semester. Full-time college student in their last academic year and desire to finish. High school students not yet 20 years old and who desire to stay in school until they graduate.
What if you object? You can do two things: They can request to join the Alternative Service Program. Objector describes their skills and are able to have alternative service work (caring for the very young and the very old, educational project, health care, etc.). Ask for a reclassification.
Reclassifications Some reclassifications are: Men whose induction would create a hardship to their dependents. Students studying for the ministry or men who are already ministers of religion. Conscientious Objectors: Those who hold deep religious, moral, or ethical beliefs against participation of war.
The Draft in Vietnam vs The Draft Now If a draft were held today, there would be fewer reasons to excuse a man from service. Before 1971, a man could qualify for student deferment as long as he was a full-time student meeting the satisfactory requirements.
Source U.S. Government. “Selective Service System:Welcome”. 17, Sept. 2009. Accessed: 21, Oct. 2009.