San Antonio Vice Chair Ron Seaman ` Austin Vice Chair Leslie Martinich IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Section Meeting January 25, 2013 San Marcos, Texas CTS
Chapters in CTS - San Antonio Engineering in Medicine and Biology Communications/SP Computer Power Engineering Systems, Man and Cybernetics Technology Management Council GOLD Life Members Notes:
Chapters in CTS - Austin Antennas & Propagation / Microwave Theory & Techniques Circuits and Systems, Solid-State Circuits Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Computer Society Communications/SP Computer Consultants’ Network Council on Electronic Design Automation Education Society Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Electron Devices GOLD Instrumentation & Measurement Life Members Photonics PI2 Product Safety Engineering Technology Management Council Women In Engineering Notes:
Vice Chair – San Antonio 2014 Since September 2013 Chapter leadership meeting in October Election results and budgets submitted Officer Appreciation Dinner in December Notes:
Planned Meetings: Chapter Officer Training, venue TBD– Feb or March 2014 The goal is to introduce chapter officers to the IEEE Central Texas Section (CTS) organization, and help them carry out their roles and responsibilities as section leaders. Know the CTS organization, be able to carry out basic chapter officer tasks Find resources that will help them be successful officers Share the information to fellow officers in their respective chapters Training will initially target chapter chairs, although it is open to all chapter volunteers. The Training chair will be the main trainer. There will be at least one session in Austin and another in San Antonio. Content Overview of the IEEE Central Texas Section organization. Key dates/deadlines, such as elections, submitting budgets, filing L31s. Overview of important chapter officer tasks Best practices Links and other resources
Vice Chair – San Antonio 2014 Suggestion Schedule more Distinguished Lecturers Some DLs able to give more than one presentation Share your DLs with other chapters and locations Example: EMBS DL fall 2013 Example: MTT DML spring 2014 (February) Notes: