Early Development Instrument: 2015-2016 Results Presentation to the EKIOC Network October 5, 2016 Presented by: Elizabeth Green, Data Analysis Coordinator
Four Cycle Trends – Leeds Grenville YR PHWB SC EM LCD CSGK Low 1 2014-2015 19.13 11.6 13.2 6.4 8.5 30.5 2010-2011 16.24 11.01 10.58 9.25 9.57 26.80 2007-2008 14.51 9.44 9.72 6.86 7.63 26.26 2005-2006 13.88 9.95 11.27 10.31 26.42 Trend: 5.25 1.65 1.93 -3.91 -1.45 4.08 Remember: we want the numbers to go down. Overall improvements in the last four years in Language and Cognitive Development, and General Skills and Knowledge. Four year trend toward increased vulnerability in Physical Health and Wellbeing, Social Competence, and Emotional Maturity. # of valid EDI 814 2005/06 # of valid EDI 752 2007/08 # of valid EDI 899 2010/11 # of valid EDI 879 2014/15
Physical Health and Well-Being 2016 Leeds-Grenville Map “Vulnerable” describes the children who score low (below the 10th percentile cut-off of the site/comparison population) on this domain. Map colouring reflects the % of children who are vulnerable in each neighbourhood. In this picture, red townships have more than 22.9% of their children vulnerable in physical health and well-being (Athens, Brockville, Augusta and Prescott). Orange townships (Leeds and the 1000 Islands and Elizabethtown-Kitley) have between 17.3 – 22.9% vulnerable.
Social Competence 2016 Leeds-Grenville Map “Vulnerable” describes the children who score low (below the 10th percentile cut-off of the site/comparison population) on this domain. Map colouring reflects the % of children who are vulnerable in each neighbourhood. In this picture, red townships have more than 16.8% of their children vulnerable in this domain.
Emotional Maturity 2016 Leeds-Grenville Map
Language and Cognitive Development 2016 Leeds-Grenville Map
Communication Skills and General Knowledge 2016 Leeds-Grenville Map
Low on At Least One Domain 2016 Leeds-Grenville Map
Low on At Least Two Domains 2016 Leeds-Grenville Map