“High Profit JV Partnerships” Coaches With Clients presents... “High Profit JV Partnerships” “Module 3: LIFT OFF: How to Approach JV Partners the ‘Right Way’...”
What We Covered So Far... Identify the partners Making yourself promotable Get your ducks in a row www.CoachesWithClients.com
“Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty...” “Kill them with kindness” Front load the value We want to get at least as much as the other person Reciprocity = when we feel like we’re getting too much, we feel compelled to pay it back Let go and give This can push your buttons You’re going to need to make some decisions www.CoachesWithClients.com
“A Bold Statement...” You can teach all of these concepts to your JV partners Add value to them Set yourself up as a leader www.CoachesWithClients.com
“Tilt the Scales In Their Favor...” What are some things you can do for your JV partners to create value right out of the gate? Give them one of your most useful tools Trade coaching sessions (buddy coaching) Break potential partners into categories based on size (small, medium, large) www.CoachesWithClients.com
“Tips For Reaching Big Name Partners...” Subscribe to their newsletter and read what they have going on Follow them in social media, notice their comments, and start a conversation Send them gifts based on what’s going on in their life Offer to help them with their challenges www.CoachesWithClients.com
“Get Them On The Phone...” Host a telesummit and ask big name players if they would like to participate Get at least 1 or 2 “big names” Now you can get medium size players to participate and promote it Ask if you can interview them for your list Send them the recording & the transcript www.CoachesWithClients.com
“Start Locally...” Approach people and see if they want more customers “I’m looking for a great personal training studio in the area that I can refer all my clients to...” Invite all of the local strategic alliance partners out to coffee at the same time Introduce them to each other www.CoachesWithClients.com
“Short Cut #1: Introductions...” Send the “standard JV email” Get in touch with a mutual connection and ask for an introduction It’s the ultimate short cut See if your JV partner knows people you would like to meet Introduce your partners to each other www.CoachesWithClients.com
“Short Cut #2: Create An Event Together...” Example: “Get Ready For Love Event” Language = how it’s helpful for them “I’d like to bring more people into your store and help you sell more stuff. And I’ve got an idea...” “I’m going to teach them some of my secrets but I’d love to offer a makeover with your best people.” “I can bring in an image consultant.” “I’d like to do it on your slowest day of the week & get people into your store...” www.CoachesWithClients.com
“Be One Of Their Best Affiliates...” Join their affiliate program and get them some customers “I just helped you sell a few of your programs. I want to help you sell even more. I’d love to set up a time to chat...” Promote their program and give a huge bonus to sweeten the deal www.CoachesWithClients.com
“The Right Way To Approach JV Partners...” Send them an email and/or leave a voicemail message Introduce yourself Tell them you’re a fan of their work “I was wondering if you’d like some help getting more clients.” “I work with people in the same place but we do different things.” “I wanted to talk to you about ways I might be able to help you get more clients.” Keep it about them www.CoachesWithClients.com
“Check List...” Front load it for them Create an arsenal of value Be their fairy godmother Don’t get “star struck” Treat them like a peer 3 levels of communication Superior Inferior Peer www.CoachesWithClients.com
“Environments of Value...” Identify the people you want to partner with Get your product/program & website ready Approach your potential partners and talk to them about how you want to help them Keep piling on the value Ask, “How can I create more value?” “How can I create an environment of more value?” www.CoachesWithClients.com
“High Profit JV Partnerships” Coaches With Clients presents... “High Profit JV Partnerships” “Module 3: LIFT OFF: How to Approach JV Partners the ‘Right Way’...”