How to recover from low self-esteem A feeling of being unacceptable in a fundamental way
Do I matter?
Invalidating experiences Cruel or indifferent behavior Feelings ignored or minimized
Invalidating experiences Emotional pain treated with indifference Not Being protected
Self-worth vs. Self-esteem Self esteem is built on a foundation of self worth Internalized self worth = Stable Self-esteem Failure to internalize Self-worth = Low self-esteem
Conclusion: Loveable or un-loveable
Anxieties from diminished sense of self
Fear of confirming one’s inadequacy Relentless pursuit of success Fear of failure
Fear of confirming one’s inadequacy Procrastination
Fear of confirming one’s inadequacy Denying weakness
Fear of exposing one’s true self Self-consciousness and sensitivity Superficial relationships Resulting in feeling disconnected and alone
Fear of loosing one’s achievements Imposter and fraud External attributions of success Fails to reach potential
Fear of abandonment Belief of being bad and undeserving Fear of rejection Sabotaging relationships
Cycle of negative self-image What are my self-defeating behaviors? How do people react when I act this way? How do I feel in response to their actions? What do I believe about myself and then how do I act?
Self-defeating behaviors Hyper-vigilance
Self defeating behaviors Low Threshold for perceiving insult Viewing mistakes as unacceptable Attribution of accomplishments to external factors
Self defeating behaviors Compulsion to please
Self-defeating behaviors Need for external validation
Self-defeating behaviors A tendency to engage in controlling behaviors A tendency to mask difficult emotions
How to recover from low self-worth Acknowledge insecurity Recognize your particular self-defeating behaviors
How To Recover From Low Self-Worth Find the courage to take the opposite action despite emotional discomfort
Prepare to leave the nest A psycho-educational program from college and adulthood