I am going to school !
Places I will see when I get there.... When I arrive at school I will line up with my classmates.
This will be my cloakroom. I will hang up my coat and change my shoes here.
My classroom will look something like this...
Bob the Bear is learning about being at school too ! He knows all about his little brother Billy’s rules for good learning in groups... good sitting, good looking, good listening, putting a hand up to speak and staying with his group !
People I will meet who can help me.... My Head Teacher My Deputy Head Teacher Mrs.McGinn Mrs.Cochrane
Primary One Teachers Miss.Wilson Miss.Struthers Miss.Rodger
The Buddies ! My buddy will be there to help me with lots of things.
My buddy can help me... ..around the school ....in the playground ...in the lunch hall
My playground This is where I line up with my class
My playground I play with my friends and eat my snack.
Lunch Time The dinner ladies...
I might have a packed lunch or a school dinner...
Other people at school who can help me... The Classroom Assistants Mrs.Thomson, Mrs.Paisley, Mrs.Boyd and Mrs.McInally
The ladies in the school office Mrs. Keddie and Mrs.Singh
Other places I will see... This is the school hall, we will have gym here and meet for our assembly.
Toilets I try to go to toilet when it is playtime or lunchtime. If I need to go when I am in class, I put my hand up and ask the teacher if I can leave the classroom.
The Medical Room If I am feeling unwell at school , this is where I can go to help me feel better.
This is our school library
When I come to Todholm Primary I will have great fun and make lots of new friends.