New Trends in the Innovation Policy in the European Union Enterprise Directorate General European Commission New Trends in the Innovation Policy in the European Union 22 October 2004, Sofia Renate Weissenhorn, Head of Unit DG ENTERPRISE Unit B 5 Innovation Networks
A New Strategic Goal for the Next Decade The European Councils of LISBON in March 2000 and BARCELONA in March 2002 set the goal for the EU : “to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion."
The specific importance of the regional level Regional Dimension I. The specific importance of the regional level for boosting innovation processes and for translating research results into economic values
The Importance of the Regional Level – Reasons Innovation performance dependent on decisions of individual economic actors Innovation-friendly framework to be created by policy-makers For SMEs innovation is about co-operation and interaction with other firms and R&D intermediaries Access to knowledge for improved products and processes Co-operation networks as ideal entry points to knowledge Effective networking through formal / informal contacts Policy actions close to companies and their environment ► Region as an environment conducive to innovation
“Hard” and “Soft” Regional Policies “Hardware” Development of the regional infrastructure “Software” – new priorities Strategic thinking Better development of the human factor Create conditions linked to competitiveness of the whole region
Regions as Most Favourable Environments for Enterprises Regional support services system targeted to entrepreneurial needs Adequate information services to enable the exploitation of knowledge Networks and co-ordination instruments to allow entrepreneurs’ co-operation Well developed education and vocational training system R&D facilities oriented towards the economic activities of the regional enterprises
How are such regional innovation policies designed and implemented? Regional Dimension II. How are such regional innovation policies designed and implemented?
Innovation Governance – the RIS methodology Good governance on the regional level RIS methodology based on … consensus-building (feeling of ownership) bottom-up approach participatory process building partnerships incl. public-private ones
RIS Success Story - Lower Austria Since 1997 RIS project Vision : To become one of the Top 10 innovation regions in Europe Policy among others project implementation monitoring through external services evaluation of regional support efficiency
Results of the Project in Lower Austria Good impact on the labour market New markets for firms: domestically, in Europe and outside Europe Increased market share of firms domestically, in and outside Europe Benefiting organisations achieved better qualification of staff involved
Recommendations for Bulgaria Decentralisation helps Bulgaria to prosper Decentralisation complementary to central government actions Decentralisation to reinforce central government actions Financial resources for the regions South Central Region: Implementation of RIS action plan for innovation needs the government’s financial support
Conclusions Regions : Responsible for core activities Promotion and stimulation of innovation Building of sustainable, intelligent, efficient and result-oriented policies National governments : support of regions Financial resources Adequate decision-making competences European Commission : support of regions Co-funding Methodologies (RIS) Access to trans-national expertise, promotion of exchange of experience and learning processes