Anaerobic power Fitness testing for Year 10 What equipment will you use? What are the pre-test procedures? What are the instructions? How do you record / measure the results? How do you compare results? What are the advantages / disadvantages of each test?
Fitness testing methods Flexibility (Sit & Reach test) Strength (Grip Dynamometer) Aerobic Endurance (Various tests) Speed: 35m sprint Speed and agility (Illinois agility run) Anaerobic power (Vertical jump test) Muscular endurance(1 minute tests) Body composition (Various tests)
Vertical jump test Measured in kgm/s Stand with strong hand against board, Feet together Jump and reach as high as you can, touch board at top of jump 3 attempts Use Lewis nomogram to create result
Vertical jump test Score Males (kgm/s) Females(kgm/s) Above average 105+ 90+ Average 95 80 Below average <85 <70
Advantages and Disadvantages Easy to carry out Easily compare to normative data Disadvantages Need recording board Accuracy of measurement Poor technique can affect score