Building capacity across the organisation to manage inclusion Tristan Dugdale-Pointon West Midlands Fire Service
Making equality business as usual Developing an inclusive culture Making Diversity & Inclusion a performance target Bringing fresh diversity Encouraging challenge and giving a ‘Voice’
Creating Inclusive Capital Unconscious bias training Integrated into management development Coaching and mentoring Getting the conversations going
Accountability & Engagement Diversity Inclusion Cohesion Equality (DICE) stations Positive action is everyone's job
Critical friends 3rd year of being a stonewall diversity champion improving score every year 2nd year of inclusive top 50 improved from first years ranking 29/50
Positive Action and Recruitment Pre recruitment courses
Giving employees a voice Agreed terms of reference all groups have deliverable outcomes , meet with SET yearly FireOut active LGBT+ group , prominent at Birmingham Pride and social media with openly LGBT ops staff talking about their experiences in Into the Fire (Steve Riddell) Affinity , women's networking group , helped improve maternity conditions within the organisation, shaping the sexual harassment policy Inspire active in community and supporting positive action joint working with police AFSA , local group supporting the hosting of todays event , sharing learning with other organisations
Thank you