CAMPION, THOMAS (1567 – 1620) Thomas Campion was born in London on February 12, 1567. Thomas Campion was a versatile English poet and musician. He studies law but later qualified and practised as a doctor however the achieved fame not as a Scholar, Lawyer or a doctor but as a poet & musician. In 1595 he published a collection of epigrams named “Poemeta” written in Latin language. In 1602 Campion brought out his observation in the art of English poetry in which he attacked “the vulgar and unartificial”, that is, inartistic, custom of rhyming.. Thomas Campion was a poet who led English poetry and music to supreme heights. He used the normal forms of simultaneous verses with spectacular skill and modesty. The most admirable pieces of his poetry are those sonnets, which he set to his own music.
THOMAS CAMPION, IN THIS POEM The man of life upright shows a deep religious sense of the poet. Although the poem was written so long ago, its language is easy to understand. The poet didn’t often put into practice his own theories about rhyme less words but also wrote in the common way of writing. Campion tells us about the directness and simplicity of the honest man, which breathes these qualities in every line.
INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERSTICS OFTHE POEM Stanza 1: An upright man leads an honorable and honest life. His mind and heart is free from ill-feelings and false hopes. Stanza 2: The straight forward person leads a peaceful and happy life. Because he is not an ambitious. Sorrow and grief cannot discontent or dishearten him. Stanza 3: An upright man is not afraid of anyone. that’s why he doesn’t need any armor to defend him. he doesn’t feel the need of secret vaults to hide him self. Stanza 4: An upright man is not afraid of anyone and is prepared to face all kinds of dangers. Stanza 5: An upright man hates all those cares and worries which the fate or fortune brings. He learns the lesson of wisdom from heavenly things. Stanza 6: An honest man looks upon the world as a temporary place, because the pious man’s life on earth is not permanent.
EXPLANATION OF THE POEM THE MAN OF LIFE UPRIGHT Stanza 1: The poet says that an upright man leads an honorable and honest life. His mind is free from evil thoughts and his heart is free from ill-feelings and false hopes. He is an humble person and has no thought of vanity. He has peace of mind and peace of heart. He is not a discontented person because “Discontent is the want of self-reliance; it is infirmity of will.” – Emerson An upright man never lacks in self-reliance. Therefore, he leads a happy and contented life. His life is simple because he is not an ambitious person. That is why he leads a pious life and never thinks of committing crimes and sins.
THE MAN OF LIFE UPRIGHT Stanza 2: An honest man leads a peaceful and contented life and does not harm anyone. He is not an ambitious person. Therefore, he does not cherish false hopes and that is why false hopes can’t deceive him. As he has got no high expectation in life, so sorrow and grief cannot discontent or dishearten him. He does not give pain to others; he does not torture and agonize others. He remains happy because of the fact that he leads a life free from dishonest deeds and free from sins.
THE MAN OF LIFE UPRIGHT Stanza 3: An upright man leads a pious life THE MAN OF LIFE UPRIGHT Stanza 3: An upright man leads a pious life. So, he is not afraid of anyone. Honesty makes a person bold and courageous. That is why he neither needs any fortress or any armor to defend him. He does not feel the need of secret vaults to protect himself from any kind of danger. Thus an honest man leads a carefree and peaceful life.
THE MAN OF LIFE UPRIGHT Stanza 4: The poet says that only an upright man can face the difficulties and hardships of life, boldly and courageously. It is rightly said: “An honest man possesses a stout heart.” He is not afraid of anyone and is prepared to face all kinds of dangers. He can face the horrors and terrors of the skies fearlessly because of the fact that such a person is not afraid of death. Fear of death makes a person coward and he cannot face any one and he cannot tackle any difficult situation with confidence.
THE MAN OF LIFE UPRIGHT Stanza 5: An honest man is spiritually happy THE MAN OF LIFE UPRIGHT Stanza 5: An honest man is spiritually happy. So, he hates all those cares and worries which the fate or fortune brings. Difficulties and hardships there in the life of an honest man but he does not care as he believes that these difficulties and hardships will come to an end with the passage of time. He bears the troubles and misfortunes patiently. He looks upon the heaven for guidance help. He makes the heaven his book and learns the lesson of wisdom from heavenly things. Thus an honest man spend his time in useful activities.
THE MAN OF LIFE UPRIGHT Stanza 6: An honest man looks upon the world as an inn where he has come into the world for a brief sojourn and to spend a life free from sins. His pious and sinless life is his wealth. He strongly believes that he has come into this world for the adoration of God Almighty and to lead a sinless life. He believes that this world is a Vanity Fair. Therefore, he is never deceived by the glamour of the world and he never deviates from the path of honesty, integrity, and righteousness.
“Faith is the force of life” CONCLUSION In the end I will inform the students about the pure and innocent heart of an upright man who is free from evil ideas and intensions.he has a perfect controll over his wishes and a result,worldly loss and problems fail to distrub him He does not count on power and material resources.he does not have strong forts,weapons of war or cellars for his safety This man faces the natural calamities calmly and courageously.His faith in GOD remains firm and unshaken. “Faith is the force of life”