Experience, Explore and Dissect Learning Game Tour: Experience, Explore and Dissect Join this “sampling tour” to examine and dissect off-the-shelf games (both online and tabletop) designed for learning. Featured games include the Beer Distribution Game, a sales game, an academic game, and many more. Discover how the games are played, what instructional goals they can help meet, and what elements make them instructionally effective. Gain insight into how to make the right decision when it comes to choosing a learning game. • Identify key elements in learning games so you can make intelligent choices to achieve your learning outcomes. • Explore the educational worth and effectiveness of different game approaches. • Discover what to look for when purchasing commercial, off-the-shelf learning games Twitter:@kkapp By Karl M. Kapp Professor , Bloomsburg University Author: Gamification of Learning and Instruction
Reveal Games: Distribution Game
Educational Games: Calculus Variant Limits. https://triseum.com/variant-limits/ start video at .39 seconds.
Resource Allocation & Decision Making Games Make the Decision Round 1: Dilemma 1: Option 1 Recommend Additional Investments in Support Staff: You are just now gaining momentum in the industry and at the end of the day sales drives innovation and growth. In order to scale the company needs to invest in better processes to support these other functions. Push for more support personnel to bolster what the sales department has been able to accomplish. Option 2 SALES AND SERVICE You are meeting your sales number but costs increase disproportionally to the sales revenue. Also, hitting the numbers at the end of the quarter doesn't impact the stock price as much because the revenue was realized so late in the quarter. The pattern of waiting until late in the quarter has made it harder to close deals earlier in the month because customers have now been trained that they can get a better deal if they buy late in the quarter. This causes the huge surge at the end of every quarter. Add 1 Chip to Customer Satisfaction Add 1 Chip to Employee Satisfaction Subtract 2 Chips from Innovation Subtract 2 Chips from Sales Round 1: Dilemma 1: Consequence 1 You have been invited to a meeting with leaders from Legal, Marketing, and implementation. Members of these teams feel like they are killing themselves the last two weeks of every quarter. Sales teams are hitting quarterly numbers, but the Healthcare customers seem to close late in the quarter putting strain on the larger corporate resources. How do you balance the revenue needs to the company with the resource constraints of these groups that support sales? Round 1: Dilemma 1 Costs CUSTOMER SATISFACTION EMPLOYEE ENAGEMENT SALES AND SERVICE Dilemma One R-1 Options Consequences HUMAN RESOURCES Dilemma One R-1 Options Consequences INNOVATION SALES PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGY R-1 Dilemma 1 OPERATIONS Dilemma One R-1 Options Consequences
Make the Decision R-1 R-1 R-1 Round 1: Dilemma 1: Consequence 1 SALES AND SERVICE Round 1: Dilemma 1: Consequence 1 Costs You are meeting your sales number but costs increase disproportionally to the sales revenue. Also, hiting the numbers at the end of the quarter doesn't impact the stock price as much because the revenue was realized so late in the quarter. The pattern of waiting until late in the quarter has made it harder to close deals earlier in the month because customers have now been trained that they can get a better deal if they buy late in the quarter. This causes the huge surge at the end of every quarter. Add 1 Chip to Customer Satisfaction Add 1 Chip to Employee Satisfaction Subtract 2 Chips from Innovation Subtract 2 Chips from Sales CUSTOMER SATISFACTION EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION SALES AND SERVICE Dilemma One R-1 Options Consequences HUMAN RESOURCES Dilemma One R-1 Options Consequences INNOVATION SALES OPERATIONS Dilemma One R-1 Options Consequences
Role Play Games: Zombie Sales https://karlkapp.wixsite.com/zombiesalesg
Scenario Cards