Assessing the Burden of Hyperkalemia
Program Goals
Program Overview
Hyperkalemia Definition, Prevalence, and Clinical Effects
Causes of Hyperkalemia
Patients at Risk of Hyperkalemia
Burden of Hyperkalemia
Increasing Incidence of Hyperkalemia
Hyperkalemia-Associated ED Visits
PARADIGM-HF Hyperkalemia Development During Study
Acute Treatment of Hyperkalemia
Guidelines Recommendations Regarding RAAS Inhibitor Use Based on Serum K+ Level
Chronic Management of Hyperkalemia Before Era of New K+ Binders
New K+ Binder Patiromer
Emerging K+ Binder ZS-9
New and Emerging K+ Binders Efficacy and Safety
ZS-9 Treatment Effect in Patients With HF Receiving Maximal, Submaximal, or No RAAS Inhibitor Therapy
Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Patiromer
Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of ZS-9
Potential Benefits of New and Emerging K+ Binders
Management of Hyperkalemia From Acute to Chronic Care
Abbreviations (cont)