Welcome to 6th Grade Math!
Meet the teachers Mr. Saito: rsaito@cwcboe.org Mrs. Keenan: akeenan@cwcboe.org Ms. Paxson: apaxson@cwcboe.org Ms. DeVincenzo: ddevincenzo@cwcboe.org
What is an algebra teacher’s favorite breakfast?
**Homework Calendar, Basic Skills** Teacher Webpages Mrs. Keenan http://www.cwcboe.org//domain/223 Mr. Saito http://www.cwcboe.org/page/2565 **Homework Calendar, Basic Skills**
Textbook Write-In textbook •E-book •Other Online Resources: tutorials, videos, review worksheets, interactive quizzes my.mheducation.com
ALEKS •ALEKS is an online math practice and assessment program. aleks.com •ALEKS assignments are graded homework. •Students may re-do incorrect problems unlimited times, until they reach 100%.
Basic Skills •There will be basic skills quizzes about every two weeks. •Review worksheets are available on our teacher webpages. Also, graded review homework on ALEKS. •It is the responsibility of the student to practice at home and get help when needed. •These topics will NOT be reviewed in class. •http://www.cwcboe.org/Page/4702
Miscellaneous •STUDY for TESTS!!! •GENESIS Google Classroom •Remind •Extra Help •Pumpkinology: Tuesday, Oct.30th