Inter-Service Group meetings Status Focus Group on Fitness Check on Environmental Monitoring and reporting Commission Roadmap published: Results of the public consultation available: 9th Focus Group with participation of all thematic Units of DG ENV, EEA, JRC, ESTAT: INSPIRE as the process for reporting Evidence base collected and analysed by Consultant and validated by the Units: Monitoring and Reporting Obligations Arising from EU Environmental Legislation: Data from the inventory or reporting obligations (and a summary) Costs and benefits discussion document Inter-Service Group meetings
Initial results from the inventory: ROs linked to EC reporting In total, 80 ROs are linked to Commission reporting, i.e. the information that is provided by the Member States are used in a Commission report These ROs are primarily linked to ‘Response’ (47), followed by and ‘State’ (17), and ‘Pressure’ (14) under the DPSIR category; and are primarily text-based. The largest group of ROs are linked to water, followed by waste issues.
Improving the system of Monitoring and Reporting – Principles, Objectives and Evaluation Criteria Purpose of the fitness check: Are reporting obligations fit for purpose? What actions can be taken to improve? To respond to this, five evaluation criteria are used to explore the system from different angles: Relevance Effectiveness Efficiency Coherence EU added value The objectives and principles of monitoring and reporting provide the context that enable application and interpretation of these criteria. Monitoring and reporting obligations arising from EU environmental legislation 4/17/2019
4th and last Stakeholder Workshop on the 8th December. Status Focus Group on Fitness Check on Environmental Monitoring and reporting 3 Stakeholders Workshop: INSPIRE the process and base data for reporting Staff Working Document (SWD) under preparation with the Fitness Check evaluation sent to the Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB) by the end of December to be discussed it on the 1st February 2017 4th and last Stakeholder Workshop on the 8th December. The fitness check SWD adopted in March 2017 together with a Communication including proposed actions as follow up to the Fitness Check More info: Stakeholder Workshops: