Seeking Religious Freedom Chapter 3 Section 5
European States and Religion In Europe during the 1500’s it was not easy for people to practice religion freely. After the Protestant Reformation European Christians were divided into Protestant and Roman Catholics. Because of this division there were many wars.
European States and Religion In France the Protestants and Catholics fought each other for nearly 40 years. Thousands upon thousands died because of their religious beliefs. Many leaders during this time believed that they could not maintain order unless they supported one religion. The chosen religion was known as what?
European States and Religion In England the established church was the Anglican church. In 1530s Parliament passed laws that made the English monarch the head of the Anglican church. In England and other countries those who did not follow the established church were persecuted.
European States and Religion Define persecution. What were some of the consequences people faced in their persecution? One example of people that faced persecution were Pilgrims at the time they were known as Separatist. Why were they called Separatists?
European States and Religion In the early 1600s a group of Separatist left England for Leyden a city in the Netherlands. Here they were allowed to practice their religion freely. Why did the Separatist want to leave the Netherlands?
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth The Separatists decided to return to England. The Separatists were able to attain a charter to set up a colony in Virginia. In September 1620 more than 100 men, women, and children set sail across the Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower .
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth After a two month voyage in November 1620 the Mayflower landed on the shores of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. The Pilgrims had planned to sail further south along the Hudson River but were too exhausted to continue. The Pilgrims decided to name their new settlement what?
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth The Pilgrims realized that they were not settling within the boundaries of Virginia and thus the Virginia Charter did not protect them and who would govern them. This raised a problem. Many of those on the Mayflower were not Pilgrims. These strangers as they were referred to said they would not obey the Pilgrims.
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth The Pilgrims joined together and wrote the framework for governing their colony. On November 11, 1620, 41 male passengers both Pilgrim and non- Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact.
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth The Mayflower Compact is important because it demonstrates how the Pilgrims found themselves without a government and how they banned together to make laws. Later they also set up a government in which adult male colonist elected what?
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth The Mayflower Compact was very much like which other document? These two documents were similar because it strengthened the English tradition of governing through elected representatives. The Pilgrims were the first to come to North America to do what?
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth What was hypocritical of the idea of religious freedom? Define precedent. What would become the corner stone of American democracy? The Pilgrims built their settlement on the site of Native American village that had been abandoned because of disease.
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth What did the colonists find in the abandoned village? The Pilgrims failed to bring with them enough food and it was too late to grow new crops. To make matters worse the late arrival of Pilgrims did not give them enough time to build proper homes to protect them from the harsh weather.
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth What did they make their homes of? Nearly half of the settlers died of disease or starvation. Among the dead was the colonies first governor. Took his place William Bradford. How long did Bradford govern Plymouth? What was this difficult time called?
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth Finally, in the spring the surviving Pilgrims cleared land and began to plant crops. Who did the Pilgrims meet that spoke English? How did learn English? Who did he introduce the Pilgrims to? How do Squanto and John Smith know each other? Squanto brought the Pilgrims seeds- corn, beans, and pumpkins and he showed them how to plant them.
The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth Squanto also taught the Pilgrims how to catch eels from nearby rivers. What did the Pilgrims call Squanto? By fall the Pilgrims had a very good harvest. They set a day aside to give thanks. In later years the Pilgrims celebrated after every harvest now called Thanksgiving.