Pastoral Mentoring and Study Support We’re here to help!
What have we done...? ...and what might help you? Did you know that, in 2012-2013, Mrs. Sweeney and Mr. Tomkins (with the help of other teachers) tried to help many students across GGS with a Study Support programme? We did (and will do) the following… Help sessions Students gained help with motivation, organisational skills, time management and revision preparation. Helping you to go further! Students learned different (and sometimes exciting) ways to widen their knowledge and skills in their subjects.
What have we done...? ...and what might help you? Teacher help sessions Students gained direct, subject-based help with advice from GGS’s expert teachers. Individual support Students had loads of opportunities to seek individual assistance with organisation, time management, revision, exam resits and many other things in small group sessions. It’s available for you – now! Any student can get help on C2K computers or in upcoming sessions in D102 at registration time.
What have we done...? ...and what might help you? Find help on C2K! Go to My Computer, then RM Shared Documents and go into the Study Support folder. Different days to get help! Monday is set aside for Form 5 Tuesday is for Form 4 Wednesday is for Lower and Upper Sixth Thursday is for Forms 2 or 3 Friday is the drop-in, open to all students across GGS for help with any study-related issue.