Todays lesson- Adventure 5– c k q
Recapping the story Recapping last weeks lesson.
Chant time Just pretend to be the tired horse- going hhhhhhhhhhh
Chant time Jump jackal- jump jump! jjjjjj
Make the sound of the letter not the name of the letter air out of a balloon
Everything to the right!
Lesson 5 –c k q Todays lesson
The camel has sand caught in the back of his throat! The c sound is made by the camel getting sand out- ccccccccccccc
Story time
3 animals one sound
Chant – camel kiss the queen bee-
Writing time
Issue above line ckqckq
Key writing actions C l
tall short c k
Pictures out of order. Which picture comes first? Which picture is placed in the middle? Which picture is the last one? Pictures out of order
Am I the first picture? Am I the middle picture? Am I the last picture?
Am I the first picture? Am I the middle picture? Am I the last picture?
Am I the first picture? Am I the middle picture? Am I the last picture?
Correct order. Correct order
I am the first picture.
I an the middle picture.
I am the last picture.
Spot- the c sound letters - story
cab kid cap 1 2 3
End of the adventure End of lesson Goodbye