Tessitura Training: CSIs Memberships Please answer the questions around the room! June 29, 2017 - Week 6 – HALF WAY THERE!!!
Phase 1: CSIs Customer Service Issues (CSIs) are objects in Tessitura that can be used to record and internally communicate constituent responses, requests, and special needs. CSIs have four user-defined dropdown fields for categorizing the CSI. There are also fields for associating CSIs with performances or packages. All of these fields can be used for reporting, searching and/or recording the primary data of the issue.
How are we currently using CSIs? Return Tickets as Donations Additional Benefit Fulfillment Failed Monthly Donations Wheel Chair & Accessibility Needs NSCAN Messaging Pre-sale Gift Memberships Monthly Givers Back-End Tip: They’re called Custom Form Data everywhere else, but the constituent record. Pay attention to this in TNEW V7 updates!
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Phase 2: Memberships Review in Live!
Do we need a questions slide or is this something we can orally ask?