2.4. Reporting and developments


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Presentation transcript:

2.4. Reporting and developments Water Director’s meeting, Paris, 24-25 November 2008 2.4. Reporting and developments Unit D.2 Water and the Marine, DG Environment, European Commission and European Environment Agency

Contents Documents: Consolidated WFD Reporting Guidance Consolidated WISE-SOE Reporting Guidance WISE GIS Guidance Information point: WFD schema development Progress on integration of other directives into WISE Conclusions of WISE workshop Documents / actions: Reporting sheets economics Towards WISE as a distributed system

Expected outcome Water Directors endorse: WISE package of guidances: WFD consolidated reporting guidance, WISE SoE consolidated reporting sheets, WISE GIS guidance Reporting sheets on economics (to be integrated in the WFD guidance) Endorse in principle the RBMP schemas and agree to proceed with testing in early 2009. Water Directors to mandate the SCG to agree the final versions. To agree to launch a pilot exercise on WISE as distributed system using WFD Art.8 reporting as a case study

1-3. WISE package of guidances Consolidated WFD Reporting Guidance Elements of consolidated guidance Two reporting sheets on economics to be included when agreed Consolidated WISE SoE Reporting Guidance With new reporting sheets on: Water Quantity, Emissions to water, Nutrients in transitional and coastal waters, Biological elements Updated WISE GIS Guidance No open points left. WDs are invited to agree on three guidance documents WFD-with the incorporation of the reporting sheets on economics after separate agreement SoE - giving WGD the mandate to supervise final editorial adjustments

4. WFD Schema development En extensive streamlining/consolidation/simplification/avoid duplication effort has been done to produce the current WFD schemas New/updated version of schemas is being finalised with some corrections and improvements for testing , (few comment received) Schemas testing will be performed with voluntary countries early 2009 For WDs: to endorse schemas in principle; to agree to go for testing in early 2009 and to delegate SCG to agree on final version of schemas after testing phase

5. Integration of other EU water directives into WISE Nitrates directive (91/676/EEC) : Reporting exercise (period 2004-2007) via WISE launched early 2008 Deadlines 30 Jun’08 (EU-15) and 30 Oct’08 (EU-10); no obligation for EU-2 Until 21 Nov’08: 22 reports in WISE, that include reports from EU-2 & Norway Missing reports: Greece, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Spain and UK Bathing water directives (76/160/EEC and 2006/7/EC): 1 Jun’08 – press conference on EC synthesis report 26 Jun’08; 30 Sept’08: Workshops setting reporting process for new directive in WISE 31 Oct’08: reporting exercise under new and old BWD launched via Reportnet with deadline to upload data by 31 Dec’08, EEA/ETC-W from now on will coordinate reporting for BWD http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/water/ status-and-monitoring/state-of-bathing-water

5. Integration of other EU water directives into WISE Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC): Reporting exercise on UWWTD Questionnaire 2007 done as stand-alone exercise via CD-ROMS transfer 15 Oct’08: status of urban waste water treatment is presented in WISE map viewer; Missing reports from Ireland and Greece 27-28 Oct’08 : workshop with MSs Next reporting exercise expected to take place in 2009 via Reportnet Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC): 16 Jul’08 and 21 Oct’08 : workshops with MS on reporting for DWD integration into WISE : xml schemas , data dictionary, WISE reporting arrangements, etc Reporting exercise for 2005-2007 reporting period will be available via WISE by end of 2008; deadline to report –end Feb’09 http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/water/mapviewers

Status as at 31 October 2008 UWWTD EU 27 Production DB allows a quick and easy presentation of data by means of standardised DB-queries 19.279 agglomerations (476,5 M p.e.) in EU 21 16.825 UWWTPs in EU 21

6. WISE workshop 12 November, Paris Conclusions I A strong partnership between EU institutions and Member States is essential for the successful development of WISE There is a need to continue and strengthen streamlining efforts covering various reporting exercises (main responsibility of EU institutions). Whilst double reporting should be avoided, adequate links between the various reporting flows should be maintained to enable the use of information (main responsibility of MS). Several key components of WISE should be jointly developed by EU institutions and the respective experts groups, notably QA/QC rules, and concepts for visualisation and assessment WISE QA/QC rules: checking usability – improve the development of technical specifications and rules Concepts for visualisation: accessibility – ensuring the way information is presented makes sense Concepts for assessment: exploitation of information in a meaningful and useful way – development of indicators

6. WISE workshop 12 November, Paris Conclusions II The development of WISE as a distributed system in line with INSPIRE and SEIS principles is a complex process that needs a stepwise approach. The proposed pilot phase to be performed in 2009 will allow some Member States and EEA to gather practical experience and share it with others. There is a need to clarify, discuss and agree how the development of WISE as a distributed system will be made compatible with the existing reporting obligations. Ultimately, WISE will benefit from the developments under SEIS. To ensure networking among reporters within MSs, among MSs, between EU and MSs by creating and maintaining a directory of reporters / data providers on Reportnet WISE as a building block and pilot project for INSPIRE and SEIS

INSPIRE and SEIS, and link to WISE Current legislative proposal in drafting phase Objective: EU e-reporting for EU environmental legislation based on SEIS principles  SEIS/EU eReporting module Draft planning: to be ready for adoption by the Commission in March’09  EP and Council 2011 Link to WISE: pilot exercise on WISE as distributed system in early’09 INSPIRE (2007/2/EC) into force 15 May’07; transposition by May’09 Implementing Rules: metadata, network services, data specifications, data and service sharing, monitoring and reporting Metadata IR 14 May’08 approved by INSPIRE Regulatory Committee Cooperation between SDI WISE TG and INSPIRE Thematic Group on Hydrography  updated WISE GIS guidance; data specifications (link to WFD) Spatial Data Infrastructures, e.g. SDI-WISE concentrates on metada and GIS service developments WISE - INSPIRE links in piloting exercise planned to include investigations on: data specifications development, discovery and view services of WISE

Thank you very much for Your attention ! WISE main web-site: http://water.europa.eu WISE interactive maps: http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/water/