When Separation is Necessary Unity (4) When Separation is Necessary NT Church 2017-18
Sadly, there have always been divisions. We live in times of bitter division Far too many demand that things be done their way, that we accept things their way or that any way is fine – ALL while ignoring that they may be wrong or there IS one TRUE way
Some clarifications: God wants unity!!!! John 17:20-21 God hates division – Proverbs 6:19 Whenever there is division, there is sin! Someone is sinning… Whenever there is division, damage is done We need to endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit – Ephesians 4:3
What is division? The action of separating something into parts. 2. Disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension or hostility. (Division, Google Dictionary, 2/9/18) In the Bible, discord that typically results in separation (division) – see 1 Corinthians 1:10, 12:25 – schism Matthew 9:16 – tears We are not addressing mere disagreement!
Divisions in the Bible Enmity shows division – when we sin we are separated from God cf. Isaiah 59:2, Romans 6:23 This is NOT what God wants Ezekiel 33:11 He desires that all men be saved - 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4 He sent Jesus – 1 Timothy 1:15, Romans 5:6-11
Divisions in the Bible Jesus produced division – as He lived and taught, many rejected. The more He taught, the greater the divide He taught it would happen – Matthew 10:34-37 Luke 6:22-23, blessed are you when men hate you, and exclude you… John 7:40-43, there was division among the people because of Him John 9:16, there was division among them
Divisions in the Bible The apostles teaching – from the beginning many in Jerusalem rejected those who followed Jesus. Steven stoned from preaching Jesus – Acts 7 When Gentiles began to obey the gospel, the divide became greater with some Acts 14:1-4, Judaizing teachers divided the city Acts 17:1-5, in Thessalonica, Judaizing teachers set the city in an uproar Acts 19:8-9, in Ephesus, Paul withdrew the disciples and taught in the school of Tyrannus
Divisions in the Bible In these examples: Someone rejected the truth and that resulted in division (the need for separation) If the godly left or were cast out, it was because of ungodly attitudes and actions Cf. 3 John 9-11 This separation occurred when the godly simply could not stay and still be pleasing to God
Divisions in the Bible Other passages: 1 Corinthians 11:19, there must be factions among you… NOTE: While Paul may be using some sarcasm here, the truth is what makes it effective 1 John 2:18-19, they went out from us, but they were not of us
When separation is needed This is an issue of fellowship! Ephesians 5:11, 2 John 9-11, have no fellowship…but expose Sadly there comes a time when it would be a sin NOT to separate!
When separation is needed When one (or a group) begins practicing or teaching error – worship, doctrine, morality, etc. When one (or a group) refuses to stand for truth – they ignore error and sinful conduct Revelation 2:12-16 - Pergamos; Revelation 2:18-21 - Thyatira When one (or a group) refuses to MARK those in error or sin – 1 Corinthians 5:1-2, 6-7 There is a call to repent or…
When separation is needed When someone refuses to accept or follow truth, we may have no choice but to separate for the sake of purity and preservation of truth 1 Corinthians 10:16-21 – we cannot fellowship idols and demons Separation from the world 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Hebrews 7:26 – Jesus is separate from sinners
When separation is needed Heed this warning! Every kingdom divided against itself will not stand – Matthew 12:25 Titus 3:10, reject a divisive man AFTER the first and second admonitions (what efforts are we making to prevent division or separation?)
IF we must divide (separate) First, realize it is not a cause for rejoicing! Where there is division, souls are in danger! Romans 9:1-3, Paul grieved Matthew 23:37-38, Jesus grieved at what awaited Jerusalem because of their rejection of truth John 6:66-67- Jesus after rejected by some disciples 1 Corinthians 5:1-2 – the should be mourning
IF we must divide (separate) Let it be because of God and His word! Never let division be because of selfishness, nor personality clashes I must examine myself to see if I am (part of) the cause Am I maintaining a godly attitude – before, during and after separation
IF we must divide (separate) Division should be the last resort! Only when all efforts to keep unity have failed should we separate. Our intention should be to AVOID division if at all possible Seek reconciliation, when possible – but NEVER at the expense of truth!
May we resolve to avoid division as much as possible May we resolve to avoid division as much as possible. BUT, let us value our standing with God MORE than our standing with men
A day of separation is coming (Matthew 25:31-46) Are you united with God?