Using One Drive
What is One Drive? A free account given to all students and teachers that allows you to save documents to the cloud Allows you to access documents everywhere you have an internet connection Free App is available in the App Store/Google Play so that you can access documents/pictures/files on your phone or tablet
How to sync your one drive account to your laptop Go to Log in using your school information with a small change Username – s(school id) Password – Same as your regular log in
How to sync your one drive account to your laptop Click on the Apps Button (top left) Go to the One Drive App
How to sync your one drive account to your laptop Go back to your Desktop and click on the Windows button Go to the One Drive for Business App (Not the regular One Drive app) Wrong Right
How to sync your one drive account to your laptop Copy and Paste the web address from One Drive on the internet into the One Drive for Business window Wrong
How to sync your one drive account to your laptop It may ask you to put in your email address and password. This will be the same username and password you used to log in to One Drive Email Address – s(id number) Password – Normal password Wrong
How to sync your one drive account to your laptop Now you can find your One Drive files on your computer. This will make it easier to find and edit your files. When you save these files, they will automatically sync to your cloud account. Wrong