Man is Made up of Spirit, Soul and Body. The body expresses what the soul tells it to do. Lowest medium. World-conscious. The soul comprises our will, intellect and emotions proceeding from our senses. Prime factor. Self-conscious. The spirit is that part which communicates with God. Noblest part. God-conscious. Body Soul Spirit
Man – The New Tabernacle of God adapted from Dr. Michael K. Lake When we accept Messiah, our spirit is born again and Jesus places his Throne within our spirit. As we fellowship with Jesus and study His Word, the Holy Spirit brings understanding and begins to save our soul. Our bodies are made clean and useful to God through DOING His commandments. Spirit Soul Body Spirit Soul
Illustration Adapted from Dr. Lake A Soul Out of Tune with God Generational Curses Bitter-Root Judgments Doubt & Unbelief Worry Inner Vows Greed Judgments Woundedness Unforgiveness Bitterness Secret Sins Anger Self-Centeredness Worldliness Resentment Easily Offended Controlling Gossip Negative Speech