CS 499 Course Overview CS 499 is the second course in a two-course sequence in which teams complete the software development project that they began in CS 425. Attendance at all class meetings is required. On days when your team is not scheduled to formally meet with the instructor in EB 1010, your team is expected to meet informally in EB 2029, where you may be joined by the instructor later in the 75-minute class period.
CS 499 Schedule With twelve exceptions, this course will be conducted as formal meetings with one team on Mondays and the other team on Wednesdays. Most Mondays, the Metamorphosis team will meet in EB 1010 for formal meetings. Most Wednesdays, the Metamorphosis team will meet in EB 2029 for informal meetings. Most Mondays, the CryptKeeper team will meet in EB 2029 for informal meetings. Most Wednesdays, the CryptKeeper team will meet in EB 1010 for formal meetings.
Three Releases Your project will be completed in three releases, with some additional follow-up afterwards. Release 1 Initial code & documentation Specifications required: week of 8/28 Completed release due: week of 9/18 Release 2 More thorough code & documentation Specifications required: week of 9/18 Completed release due: week of 10/16 Release 3 Complete code & documentation Specifications required: week of 10/16 Completed release due: week of 11/13 Follow-Up Peer reviews: week of 11/27 Faculty presentation: week of 12/4 Post-mortem discussion: week of 12/11
Release 1 Schedule 8/21 8/23 8/28 8/30 9/4 9/6 9/11 9/13 9/18 9/20 Course Overview 8/23 Schedule Planning 8/28 Metamorphosis: Formal Meeting & Release 1 Plan Delivery 8/30 CryptKeeper: 9/4 LABOR DAY 9/6 Web Documentation Discussion 9/11 Project Presentation Discussion 9/13 Internal & External Documentation Discussion 9/18 Metamorphosis Release 1 Presentation (CryptKeeper Team Attendance Required) 9/20 CryptKeeper Release 1 Presentation (Metamorphosis Team Attendance Required)
Release 2 Schedule 9/18 9/20 9/25 9/27 10/2 10/4 10/9 10/11 10/16 Metamorphosis Release 2 Planning Discussion 9/20 CryptKeeper Release 2 Planning Discussion 9/25 Metamorphosis: Formal Meeting 9/27 CryptKeeper: 10/2 10/4 10/9 10/11 10/16 Metamorphosis Release 2 Presentation (CryptKeeper Team Attendance Required) 10/18 CryptKeeper Release 2 Presentation (Metamorphosis Team Attendance Required)
Release 3 Schedule 10/16 10/18 10/23 10/25 10/30 11/1 11/6 11/8 11/13 Metamorphosis Release 3 Planning Discussion 10/18 CryptKeeper Release 3 Planning Discussion 10/23 Metamorphosis: Formal Meeting 10/25 CryptKeeper: 10/30 11/1 11/6 11/8 11/13 Metamorphosis Release 3 Presentation (CryptKeeper Team Attendance Required) 11/15 CryptKeeper Release 3 Presentation (Metamorphosis Team Attendance Required)
Follow-Up 11/13 Metamorphosis Final Presentation Planning 11/15 CryptKeeper Final Presentation Planning 11/20 Thanksgiving Break 11/22 11/27 Metamorphosis Peer Review (CryptKeeper Reviews Metamorphosis & Metamorphosis Reviews Itself) 11/29 CryptKeeper Peer Review (Metamorphosis Reviews CryptKeeper & CryptKeeper Reviews Itself) 12/4 Metamorphosis Faculty Presentation 12/6 CryptKeeper Faculty Presentation 12/11 Final Wrap-Up & Course Evaluation
CS 499 Grading Release 1 10% Release 2 20% Release 3 45% Follow-Up 25% Each assignment must contain a clear specification of the individual responsibilities of each team member. Grade Breakdown: Release 1 10% Release 2 20% Release 3 45% Follow-Up 25%