Geometric Objects and Transformations (I) 姜明 北京大学数学科学学院 Based on [EA], Chapter 3. 更新时间2019年4月17日星期三11时55分23秒
Mathematics of Computer Graphics How to represent basic geometric types How to convert between various representations OpenGL functions
Outline Scalars, Points and Vectors 3D Primitives Coordinate System and Frames Modeling a Colored Cube
Not restricted on the same plane….. 3D Primitives In 3D, there are a 3rd degree of freedom for objects. 3D curves 3D Surfaces Volumetric Objects Not restricted on the same plane…..
Complexity and Efficiency The mathematics for 3D objects can become complex. We still want efficient implementations. This requirement restricts the 3D objects that can be supported on existing graphics systems.
Three Features Modern graphics systems do best at rendering triangular, or other flat, polygons. Three features characterize 3D objects that fit well with existing graphics hardware and software The objects are described by their surfaces and can be thought of as being hollow. We need only 2D primitives to model 3D objects, because a surface is a 2D rather than a 3D entity. The objects can be specified through a set of vertices in 3D. We can use a pipeline architecture to process vertices at high rates. The objects either are composed of or can be approximated by flat convex polygons. Planar polygons avoid the interior confusion in 3D. Complex surfaces can be tessellate into triangular polygons.
Coordinate System Three linearly independent vectors define a coordinate system. Any vector can uniquely represent as a linear combination of the three basis vectors. Vectors have direction and magnitude, but lack a position attribute.
Frames A frame consists of an origin and a set of basis vectors. Any vector can be represented uniquely as Any point can be represented uniquely as Both vectors and points are geometric objects, exists independent of the frames. We have to work with their representation in a particular reference system.
Changes of Coordinate Systems In OpenGL, we define our objects using the coordinate system or frame that is natural for the application, which is known as the world or user frame. We need to find out how objects appear to the camera. This is done by the model-view matrix. Hence, we are required to find how the representation of a vector/point changes when we change the coordinate system or frame.
Transformation for Vectors Suppose that and are two bases and Transformation
Homogeneous Coordinates Given a frame , a point P at is represented as, using matrix multiplication The 4D row matrix is called the homogeneous-coordinate representation of the point P in this frame. Any vector can be represented as
Transformation for Frames Suppose that and are two bases and Transformation
Homogeneous Coordinates It provides a unified representation for vectors and points and transformations as matrix multiplications. Modern hardware implements homogeneous-coordinate operations directly, using parallelism to achieve high performance. We have to work in 4D to solve 3D problems within this approach. Main reason for using it is because of perspective viewing transformation .
Working with Representations We work with representations in the world frame in OpenGL. Changes of frames take place when transformation functions are invoked. The transformation matrix can be found easily when we are working with coordinate representations.
Find the Transformation Matrix Changes of representations from an old one to a new one are given by the following equation To find the matrix , let’s consider the inverse problem. The matrix converts from representations in the new frame to that in the original frame.
Hence, we have Therefore, The representation of a new frame in terms of an old frame provides the matrix to convert from representations in the new frame to those in the old one. (new in old => new to old), and vice versa.
Frames in OpenGL There are two frames in OpenGL, the camera frame and the world frame. The model-view matrix positions the world frame relative to the camera frame. It converts the homogeneous-coordinate representations of points and vectors in the world frame to their representations in the camera frame. Camera and world frames: in the default position. After applying model-view matrix
Camera Frame The y-direction: the up direction of the camera. The negative z-direction: the direction the camera is pointing. The x-direction helps form a right-handed frame. Changes of frame are represented by model-view matrices, which converts the representations in the world frame to those in the camera frame.
Example: moving the camera To move the camera away from the objects or move the objects away from the camera, we move the camera frame relative to the world frame we position the world frame relative to the camera frame. world Model-view matrix camera
Modeling a Colored Cube To draw a rotating cube, we need to perform the following tasks Modeling Converting to camera frame Clipping Projecting Removing hidden surfaces Rasterizing Example: cube.exe
Modeling of a Cube There is a number of ways to model it. At the end of the pipeline, the hardware processes as an object consisting of 8 vertices. We use a surface-based model. The cube is modeled with 6 polygons that define its faces, called its facets.
Inward and Outward Faces We have to be careful about the order in which we specify our vertices for a 3D polygon. Each polygon has two faces. We call a face outward facing if the vertices are traversed in a counter wise order when the face is viewed from the outside, determined from its normal direction. In our example it is important to define the order as 0, 3, 2, 1, rather as 0, 1, 2, 3. Each face is defined by 4 ordered vertices.
Vertices of the cube in cube.c: Facets of the cube in cube.c: GLfloat vertices[][3] Facets of the cube in cube.c: void polygon (int a, int b, int c , int d) The cube in cube.c: void colorcube(void)
The Color Cube We assign the colors to the vertices. Colors in cube.c: GLfloat colors[][3] There are many ways to use the colors of the vertices to fill the facets or interpolate across a polygon. The most common method is bilinear interpolation.
Bilinear Interpolation Final program: cube.c, cube.exe
How Color is interpolated? void glHint(GLenum target, GLenum hint); Controls certain aspects of OpenGL behavior. The target parameter indicates which behavior is to be controlled. The hint parameter can be GL_FASTEST to indicate that the most efficient option should be chosen, GL_NICEST to indicate the highest-quality option GL_DONT_CARE to indicate no preference. The interpretation of hints is implementation-dependent; an OpenGL implementation can ignore them entirely. OpenGL Programming Guide, 7th edition, Page 268.
The GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT target parameter refers to how color values and texture coordinates are interpolated across a primitive: either linearly in screen space (a relatively simple calculation) or in a perspective-correct manner (which requires more computation). Often, systems perform linear color interpolation because the results, while not technically correct, are visually acceptable; however, in most cases, textures require perspective-correct interpolation to be visually acceptable. Thus, an OpenGL implementation can choose to use this parameter to control the method used for interpolation. OpenGL Programming Guide, 7th edition, Page 268.
Example: two-spheres.c One algorithm that achieves the required behavior (linear interpolation) is to triangulate a polygon (without adding any vertices) and then treat each triangle individually as already discussed. A scan-line rasterizer that linearly interpolates data along each edge and then linearly interpolates data across each horizontal span from edge to edge also satisfies the restrictions. Example: two-spheres.c OpenGL specification 3.1, p. 99.
Vertex Arrays Vertex arrays allows us to define a data structure using vertices and pass this structure to the implementation. When the objects need to be drawn, we can ask OpenGL to traverse the structure with just a few function calls. There are 3 steps in using vertex arrays. Enable the functionality of vertex arrays; Tell OpenGL where and in what format the arrays are; Render the object.
OpenGL allows 6 different types of arrays Vertex, color, color index, normal, texture coordinate and edge flag. Corresponding to 6 items that can be set between a glBegin and glEnd. For the color cube, we only need colors and vertices. We enable the corresponding arrays by glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); The arrays are the same as before: cubev.c
We tell OpenGL where the arrays is glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices); glColorPointer(3,GL_FLOAT, 0, colors); The 1st 3 arguments state that the elements are 3D vertices and colors stored as floats and that the elements are contiguous (byte offset = 0). Now we have to provide the information in our data structure about the relationship between the vertices and faces of the cube. This is done by specifying an array that holds the 24 ordered vertex indices for the 6 faces GLubyte cubeIndices[] in cubev.c
Final program: cubev.c, cubev.exe We use the following function to render the cube: void glDrawElements( GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices ) mode: the type of the element, e.g., line or polygon, …. count: the number of elements to draw type : the data type in the index arrays index: the first index to use One way to render the cube is for (i = 0; i< 6; i++) glDrawElements(GL_POLYGON, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &cubeIndices[4*i]); We can render the cube with the single function call glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, 24, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, cubeIndices); Final program: cubev.c, cubev.exe