Word Lists R wind wake wood weak week wife water watch


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Presentation transcript:

Word Lists R 1 2 3 4 5 6 wind wake wood weak week wife water watch wear wheel white waddle wagon wage wait winter wonder waste waist weakly witch whisker quit quiz quite woman whisper worry whale whip quail quiet quote quest quotation waltz wardrobe whistle wedge wealthy walrus wander warmth wolves wholesale PREFIX – un unkind unlock unreal uneven unfair unload unequal uncertain unfinished undecided   uncomfortable unacceptable, unusual unopposed unorganised underappreciated unprocessed unaccommodating underhanded uncanniest

5 unkind unlock unreal unfair unload uneven unequal uncertain unfinished undecided

6 uncomfortable unacceptable unusual unopposed unprocessed unorganised uncanniest underhanded underappreciated unaccommodating

Handwriting 18/8/15 un un un un un unkind unlock unfair undecided 1. She forgot to ____ the door. 2. It’s ____ to be ____ to mum. 3.The date for Sports day is ____.

Handwriting 19/8/15 un un un un un uncomfortable unprocessed unorganised underappreciated 1. My stockings are ______ . 2. My teacher is very _________. 3. My desk is very _________.

inconsiderate and harsh to others unkind say spell UNKIND inconsiderate and harsh to others u-n-k-i-n-d = 6  un/kind = 2 sounds syllables

undo the lock of (something), typically with a key unlock say spell UNLOCK undo the lock of (something), typically with a key u-n-l-o-ck = 5 un/lock = 2 sounds syllables

unreal un/real = 2 UNREAL u-n-r-ea-l = 5 say spell sounds syllables imaginary or illusory u-n-r-ea-l = 5  un/real = 2 sounds syllables

unfair un/fair = 2 UNFAIR u-n-f-air = 4 say spell sounds syllables not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice u-n-f-air = 4  un/fair = 2 sounds syllables

remove goods from (a vehicle, ship, container, etc unload say spell UNLOAD remove goods from (a vehicle, ship, container, etc u-n-l-oa-d = 5  un/load = 2 sounds syllables

not equal in quantity, size, or value unequal say spell UNEQUAL not equal in quantity, size, or value u-n-e-qu-a-l = 6  un/e/qual = 3 sounds syllables

not able to be relied on; not known or definite uncertain say spell UNCERTAIN not able to be relied on; not known or definite u-n-c-er-t-ai-n = 7  un/cer/tain = 3 sounds syllables

not finished or concluded; incomplete unfinished say spell UNFINISHED not finished or concluded; incomplete u-n-f-i-n-i-sh-ed = 8  un/fin/ished = 3 sounds syllables

(of a person) not having made a decision undecided say spell UNDECIDED (of a person) not having made a decision u-n-d-e-c-i-d-e-d = 9  un/de/ci/ded = 4 sounds syllables

uneven un/e/ven = 3 UNEVEN u-n-e-v-e-n = 6 say spell sounds syllables not level or smooth u-n-e-v-e-n = 6  un/e/ven = 3 sounds syllables

uncomfortable un/com/fort/a/ble = 5 u-n-c-o-m-f-o-r-t-a-b-le =12 say spell UNCOMFORTABLE causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort u-n-c-o-m-f-o-r-t-a-b-le =12  un/com/fort/a/ble = 5 sounds syllables

unacceptable un/ac/cept/a/ble = 5 UNACCEPTABLE say spell UNACCEPTABLE not satisfactory or allowable u-n-a-cc-e-p-t-a-b-le =10  un/ac/cept/a/ble = 5 sounds syllables

not habitually or commonly occurring or done unusual say spell UNUSUAL not habitually or commonly occurring or done u-n-u-s-u-a-l =7  un/u/su/al= 4 sounds syllables

not opposed; unchallenged unopposed say spell UNOPPOSED not opposed; unchallenged u-n-o-pp-o-s-e-d = 8  un/op/posed = 3 sounds syllables

u-n-or-g-a-n-i-s-e-d =10 say spell UNORGANISED not organized u-n-or-g-a-n-i-s-e-d =10  un/or/ga/nised = 4 sounds syllables

underappreciated UNDERAPPRECIATED u-n-d-er-a-pp-r-e-ci-a-t-e-d =13 say spell UNDERAPPRECIATED fail to value sufficiently highly u-n-d-er-a-pp-r-e-ci-a-t-e-d =13 un/der/a/ppre/ci/a/ted = 7 sounds syllables

u-n-p-r-o-c-e-ss-e-d =10 say spell UNPROCESSED not processed u-n-p-r-o-c-e-ss-e-d =10  un/pro/cessed = 3 sounds syllables

un/ac/com/mo/dat/ing = 6 say spell UNACCOMMODATING not fitting in with the wishes or demands of others; unhelpful u-n-a-cc-o-mm-o-d-a-t-i-ng = 12  un/ac/com/mo/dat/ing = 6 sounds syllables

underhanded u-n-d-er-h-a-n-d-e-d = 10 un/der/hand/ed = 4 UNDERHANDED say spell UNDERHANDED acting or done in a secret or dishonest way u-n-d-er-h-a-n-d-e-d = 10  un/der/hand/ed = 4   sounds syllables

strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way uncanniest say spell UNCANNIEST strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way u-n-c-a-nn-i-e-s-t = 9  un/can/ni/est = 4   sounds syllables

5 inconsiderate and harsh to others remove goods from a vehicle, ship, container, etc not equal in quantity, size, or value undo the lock of (something), typically with a key not finished or concluded; incomplete imaginary or illusory not level or smooth not able to be relied on; not known or definite (of a person) not having made a decision not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice

6 causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort not opposed; unchallenged fail to value sufficiently highly acting or done in a secret or dishonest way strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way not fitting in with the wishes or demands of others; unhelpful not processed not habitually or commonly occurring or done not satisfactory or allowable not organized