Fig. 3. Contrast-enhanced chest volume-rendered CT images with cropped posterior chest wall to unveil cardiovascular structures. A, B. Compared with volume-rendered image reconstructed from linearly mixed dual-energy images with ratio of 0.8 (A), volume-rendered 40 keV virtual monoenergetic image (B) shows further increase in cardiovascular opacification, but simultaneously increased noise compromises iodine contrast-to-noise ratio and image quality. C. On volume-rendered noise-optimized 40 keV virtual monoenergetic image, image noise reduction decoupled with increased iodine contrast leads to improved iodine contrast-to-noise ratio and image quality. Fig. 3. Contrast-enhanced chest volume-rendered CT images with cropped posterior chest wall to unveil cardiovascular structures. A, B. Compared with volume-rendered image reconstructed from linearly mixed dual-energy images with ratio of 0.8 (A), volume- rendered 40 keV virtual monoenergetic image (B) shows further increase in cardiovascular opacification, but… Korean J Radiol. 2017 Jul-Aug;18(4):555-569.