Are the future teachers apt for teaching Are the future teachers apt for teaching? Teachers’ Aptitude Testing Comparative Analysis: Rural-Urban Inter-state Male-Female
What is aptitude? Intelligence Intelligence Personality Personality Achievement Exam Intelligence Personality Achievement Exam “condition or set of characteristics regarded as symptomatic of an individual’s ability to acquire to acquire training in some (usually specified) knowledge, skill, or set of responses such as the ability to speak a language, to produce music etc.”
Teaching Aptitude predicts Effectiveness Competency Students’ achievement IQ Input System Output Teachers Schools Students’ Outcomes
Choice of test
Teaching Aptitude test battery Choice of Test Occupational Aptitude Survey Vs. Teaching Aptitude test battery ->Mental Ability ->Attitude Towards Children ->Interest in profession ->Professional Information ->Adaptability
What are DIETs? District Institutes of Education and Training Teacher Training Institutes, set up under National Policy on Education ‘86 Focus on Resource Support Training Action Research
Are the future teachers really apt to teach? DIET, Gurgaon Sample Size: 154 Instrument: Teaching Aptitude Test Battery by Singh and Sharma Methodology: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis A Case Analysis: DIET, Gurgaon
More Pay No Incentive for performance; No accountability Hindi Speaking Population Job Security Modeling Teaching Motive To give back to where I come from
DIET, Gurgaon: Academic Achievement Admission on Merit; Cut off: 80% Field Visit: Efficient Functioning Interview Answers: “Proud to be in DIET, Gurgaon”
Frequency Distribution of TEACHING APTITUDE of Students of DIET, Gurgaon Aptitude is positively correlated with Academic Achievement. Is it? Y AXIS 1 UNIT= 20 STUDENTS -2.01 -1.25 -0.50 0 0.50 1.25 2 (z scores)
Frequency Distribution of Mental Ability of Students of DIET, Gurgaon What is the kind of teacher training in Haryana’s one of the best DIETs? Does achievement tests in India make you able? If teachers aren’t mentally able, how will they teach the children?
Mean: 16.25 S.D: 2.09
1ST VS. 2ND YEAR STUDENTS More 2nd years in the above average range OF Teaching Aptitude But no such trend in Mental Ability.
Subjects Taught in D ed. -> Concentrated Experience (Lack of multiplicity of experiences) Study of Child Psychology and Teacher Function Education Philosophy – Education in Emerging India Education Psychology Teacher Function (Role of teachers in primary education) Hindi English Mathematics Social Science (EVS I) Science (EVS II) Physical Education (Games) Art Education “Coaching” Vs. Social Desirability Vs. “Reality” -> TET Coaching couldn’t affect Mental Ability
TEACHING APTITUDE of boys and girls MENTAL ABILITY of boys and girls Girls: Boys Ratio=1: 5 Average: Female: 82.01 Male: 81.84 BOYS > GIRLS Are they? Female Male
Why? ?
Male Vs. Female Part Scores Girls>Boys Interest in Profession Professional Information Boys>Girls Mental Ability Adaptability BOYS=GIRLS
To Do Rural-Urban Comparative Study; Inter-state Comparative Study; Male-Female Comparative Study; Correlation between Aptitude and Achievement ANSWER: ARE THE TEACHERS REALLY APT TO TEACH? RECOMMENDATIONS: POLICY REFORMS RTE’S TET: IS IT THE BEST INSTRUMENT? TEACHING AS LEADERSHIP