How to use EcoCycleDesign? When using EcoCycleDesign as a method we study the flows through a building or a city The flow of energy The flow of water The flow of air The flow of material 2019-04-18 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
The ultimate eco-cycle-adapted house: Will be built with organic, economical, technical and social vision Will be run with a project management from the first idea to completion Will be accomodated to local conditions and local climate Should works towards protecting biodiversity Combines beatiful design with system design Have sealed flows and circulation Have flows that can be measured Get their added energy from renewable energy sources Is a learning process during the whole life cycle 2019-04-18 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
Policy for eco-cycle-adapted buildings Our policy document is the framework for our way of designing. We also have a method for the production of needed documents for the design phase 2019-04-18 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
Before starting the design phase write a program A program for a city or a building is based upon: An ideal social vision An ideal ecological vision An ideal technical vision An ideal economic vision Information about the site Stick to the final program. No compromises! As a part of the quality control EcoCycleDesign needs a professional project manager from the idea to the maintenance phase Education is crucial throughout the whole process Every project must be evaluated to give important knowledge for future projects A program is the buisness idea for the project 2019-04-18 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
Investment cost and yearly cost GreenZone 17% more expensive than an ordinary buildings Yearly cost 8% lower already the first year Residential houses about 10% more expensive than ordinary buildings Yearly cost 10% lower Energy need 25% of the accepted new standard in Sweden No need for district heating and traditional waste water treatment 2019-04-18 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB