Innovative Public Services Group Meeting eGovernment Working Group Dr. Aleš Dobnikar
ACCORDING TO THE 49. DIRECTORS-GENERAL RESOLUTION ON eGOVERNMENT WG IMPORTANT CONCLUSION: The DG’s acknowledged the importance of the e-Government and are encouraging that work will be taken forward in the context of the network bearing in mind the evaluation reorientation. 12.-13. May 2008 EUPAN IPSG
ACCORDING TO THE MTP 2008-09 for eGOVERNMENT WG The main working areas for the next two years: Reduction of Administrative Burden Inclusive Government both with the vision: Customer and also Business Orientation (focusing on user centric services) The eGov working group will work on issues of monitoring the implementation of i2010 eGov action Plan, Interoperability, eParticipation and inclusive eGov. Reduction of administrative burdens will also be taken into consideration. 12.-13. May 2008 EUPAN IPSG
EUPAN eGOVERNMENT WG Meeting under SI Presidency The eGovernment WG identified the following working topics: Further improvement of cooperation with other WG’s and organizations Cross-border eServices (a Pilot project – presentation of the first results) Best practises and case-studies on eGov and eID (B, NL, PT) Learning Team for reduction of administrative burdens for citizens (focusing also on document of national approaches of stages of RAB) – already 18 countries participating Establishment of Centre for eGovernance Development - Regarding the pan-EU e-services pilot: we would like to present the first results of the cross-border e-services. We also consider of organising the informal meeting on that topic. - On the behalf of the topic high impact services: we support the Dutch proposal of establishing the Learning Team. We propose that the Netherlands take the initiative on that issue and continue with the activities. We (Slovenia) are ready to organise the meeting on that subject for the countries willing to participate in the LT and to cooperate on this issue. On the meeting, we could set more detailed content and plan the activities. - On the field of Inclusive government: we might prepare a smaller research on the proposed topic of mGovernment from which we can learn, what is the general opinion on that issue of the specific country and which topics on mGovernment would they recommend to be further developed; the results could also be presented on our eGov WG EUPAN meeting in April. Besides the topics mentioned above, we would as well like to focus on the rest of our proposed topics for our next event: - Enhancing and increasing the cooperation with other WGs; - Presentation of best practises and case-studies on eGov; - Besides the soon to be established, Learning Team on the 'Reduction of administrative burdens of the Dutch initiative, we would also like to start the initiative and to propose the establishment of another Learning Team e.g. on the field of 'Inclusive Government'. 12.-13. May 2008 EUPAN IPSG
SLOVENIAN POLICY PRIORITIES IN eGOVERNMENT - Interoperability - eParticipation and eInclusion - Reduction of Administrative Burden - Support of i2010 eGovernment Action Plan and presentation of national progress 12.-13. May 2008 EUPAN IPSG
E-government related events during Slovenian Presidency eGovernment days eGovernment Conference: 11. February 2008, Brdo IDABC Conference: 12.-13. February 2008, Brdo EUPAN eGovernment WG: 21.–22. April 2008, Brdo i2010 Conference: 13.-14. May 2008, Brdo eHealth Conference: 5.-8. May 2008, Portorož 12.-13. May 2008 EUPAN IPSG
EUPAN eGOVERNMENT WG Meeting on 21.-22. April 2008: 20 EU countries + 3 observing countries together with representatives from EIPA and OECD attended 12.-13. May 2008 EUPAN IPSG
E-government days in Slovenia 11.02.2008 and 12.-13.02.2008 Commissioner attended the Conference Mr Siim Kallas (Vice-President of EC and Commissioner responsible for Administrative Affairs, Audit and Anti-Fraud) 12.-13. May 2008 EUPAN IPSG
Centre for eGovernance Development - CeGD The Purpose strengthen the regional cooperation on the area of development of the information communication technology within public administration. - promote the development of the range of eGovernance programs within Southeastern Europe. 12.-13. May 2008 EUPAN IPSG
The Stakeholders and signatories Government of the Republic of Slovenia - Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Economy Stability Pact European Foundation for Information Society and eGovernment (Spain) Microsoft (Slovenia) INA Academy of Thessaloniki (Greece) SRC.SI (Slovenia) Siemens (Austria) UNDP 12.-13. May 2008 EUPAN IPSG
The Interested Partners World Bank Switzerland Germany Austria Bulgaria EBRD UK France Italia Romania Norway Hewlett-Packard 12.-13. May 2008 EUPAN IPSG