Kindergarten News August 29, 2014 Mrs. Musial’s Class 630-682-2075 Getting to Know You We had a great first week of school! We really are getting to know one another . I think we are off to a great start in kindergarten! In reading, we talked about how there are three ways to read a book, and the first one we concentrated on is by ‘reading’ the pictures. By looking at the illustrations, a child can ‘read’! We also demonstrated this with our pocket chart poem, using the environmental symbols and pictures you sent in. The students love the poem! This past week we still really concentrated on school rules and procedures in the classroom. The students are learning so quickly. Next week we will start more structured centers. Again, we will concentrate on the procedure of center time. This will quickly become a favorite part of our day. In math, we will be practicing writing the numbers, as well as identifying the numbers on a number line. We will be working with the numbers 1 through 10. Don’t forget there is no school on Monday for Labor Day. Enjoy your three day weekend! Mrs. Musial’s Class 630-682-2075 Reminders: Please finish and turn in the ‘homework’ for our class book. Curriculum night is Wednesday, September 3. There is no school on Monday! A peek at next week: We will continue our ‘All about me’ theme. We will learn the letter names and sounds of n, c, k, e, and h. We will learn the sight word a, and review I. We will work in centers.