October Spelling Math “Miss” Anna & “Miss” Princess Sight Words Classroom # : 202 Conference Time: 1:30-2:30 Email: acowart@emanuel.k12.ga.us Phone #: 478-206-6456 News and Dates Oct. 29 Book Fair starts Oct. 30 Fall Festival 5:30 - 7:30 Oct. 31 Halloween(No costumes) Nov. 1 Christmas Pictures Pastries with Parents 7:30-8:00(Lunchroom) Nov. 2 Book Fair ends - Georgia Parent Survey: We need for every parent that has a child at SPS to complete this survey. http://gshs.gadoe.org/parents Yearbooks: $30 Personalization: $8 Icons: $5 Flashbax: $3 ADDITIONAL YEARBOOK INFORMATION: MS. & MR.ROAR PHOTO CONTEST: $15 Deadline is November 9th ADS: $15 Deadline is December 14th Spelling Skill: Diagraphs ph and wh what, graph, photo, whiff, whim, phone We will have some spelling homework this week. Please remember to check your child’s folder. Test on Friday. Math We will begin adding 2 digit numbers with regrouping this week along with our daily math practice. We will have a daily math practice quiz on Friday. Reading/ELA We will be reading, Pig on His Bike and I Am Yellow. The weekly vocabulary words are migrant, language, created, together, workers, and unions. Grammar skill : alphabetical order Sight Words will, up, other, about, out Sight word test over 5 weekly words on Friday. This is in addition to your child’s personal sight word goal and list. Graphics ©KinderAlphabet