BILL BURDEN elementary Keep burden learning Trash To $Cash$ BILL BURDEN elementary Keep burden learning
What’s my trash worth to BBES? Money for school programs Box Top Program Tyson Project A+ Campbell’s Labels for Education Previous and potential earnings Collection Awards
Box Top for Education Clip Box tops Shop Marketplace Reading Room My Class Essentials Bonus Box Tops Check sent to school 2x per yr- Dec and April Points Due end of OCT and end of FEB
Clip Box tops 10¢ on every box 100+ Products For a complete list of participating products.
Up to $2 for every $10 spent come back to OUR SCHOOL!!! Shop Marketplace Must register and shop via the Box Tops website. Up to $2 for every $10 spent come back to OUR SCHOOL!!! Have you shopped here lately???
Reading Room Earn up to 6 eBoxTops with every qualified $10 purchase you make at America’s #1 bookstore, just by starting here at the Reading Room.
My Class Essentials My Class Essentials is a free teacher registry that allows K-8 teachers to create a list of all the supplies their classroom needs, similar to a bridal registry. Step 1-Teachers create a registry of supplies the class needs. Step 2- Parents, friends and supporters buy supplies on the registry-or make a cash donation Step 3- Classes get the supplies and the school gets a 2% donation on all purchases
Bonus Box Tops Each month, you’ll find special promotions and sweepstakes where you can enter for a chance to win thousands of Bonus Box Tops. Check back often for the latest bonus opportunities and remember to spread the word! The more people who enter, the greater your school’s chance of winning.
What’s trash doing for others…
Bill Burden Elementary 2009-2010 93 % clip | 24461 Box Tops 6 % bonus box tops 0 % marketplace 0 % reading room 0 % my class essentialsTM | 0 Shoppers Ranked 70 out of 10,173 Texas Participating Schools
Bill Burden Elementary 2010-2011 77 % clip | 12416 Box Tops 23 % bonus box tops 0 % marketplace 0 % reading room 0 % my class essentialsTM
Incentives There will be a weekly winner and monthly winner. Recognition – weekly Top class collector recognized on stage during lunch Trophy – weekly award for class with most BoxTops At EOD announcement of grade winner of most points. There will be a weekly winner and monthly winner.
What Teachers can do to help School websites updated with program hyperlinks for parents to easily find opportunities to raise $$$ Word of Mouth Register for My Class Essentials Community outreach
Programs that earn Money… My Coke Rewards
Tyson Project A+™ donates money year round to schools. $.24 per label
Campbell’s Labels for Education Campbell's Labels - Clip entire UPC and points together off the label in order for the points to count.
BILL BURDEN elementary Keep burden learning Trash To $Cash$ YES WE CAN!!!! BILL BURDEN elementary Keep burden learning