ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT August 25, 2014 BOARD MEETING Advanced ED Standards for Quality Bill Dorulla, CAA Athletic Director
The new AdvancED Standards for Quality mark an evolution in continuous improvement and accreditation. While leveraging accreditation as a powerful tool for driving effective practices in support of student learning, these research-based Standards also emphasize teaching and learning; share embedded common themes across Standards; and address students' ability to successfully develop learning, thinking, and life skills as critical elements of student achievement. The five standards are: Purpose and Direction, Governance and Leadership, Teaching and Assessing for Learning, Resources and Support Systems and Using Results for Continuous Improvement.
Resource and Support Systems Standard Focus #4: Resource and Support Systems
Leader Assessment – Level 4 Indicator 4.3 The system maintains facilities, services, and equipment to provide a safe, clean, and healthy environment for all students and staff. Leader Assessment – Level 4 • System and school leaders have adopted or collaboratively created clear definitions and expectations for maintaining safety, cleanliness, and healthy environment and have shared these definitions and expectations with all stakeholders. All system and school personnel as well as students are accountable for maintaining these expectations. Valid measures are in place that allow for continuous tracking of these conditions. Improvement plans are developed and implemented by appropriate personnel to continuously improve these conditions. The results of improvement efforts are systematically evaluated regularly.
Statement concerning Safety in Athletics The responsibility of ensuring safety in the development of the sport rests with everyone concerned. Athletes, coaches, officials, facility providers, ground staff, meeting organizers, spectators and the general public all have a duty of care to ensure that their actions due not affect the health, safety and welfare of themselves and others. B. Failures of control are assessed through monitoring systems requiring the thorough investigation of any accidents, illness or incidents to identify the underlying causes and implications. Commitment to continuous improvement involves the constant development of policies and approaches towards implementation and risk control procedures.
Athletic Policies and Programs Concerning Safety a. Coaches Education b. Pre-Season Parent and Coaches Meetings c. Equipment Replacement and re-conditioning d. Lightning Safety and implements e. Energy Drinks f. Supplements g. Social Network Policy h. Coach – Athlete Communication Policy i. Cautionary Statements for all sports j. Risk Management k. Concussion Policy l. Impact Testing m. Hydration n. Heat Related illness o. Sports Hygiene p. Heat index Calculator q. Hazing r. Facility maintenance s. Ozone Machine t. Nutrition u. Accident Reports v. GMAX Test for Synthetic Turf w. Athletic Physicals and EKG x. Bump Clinic – Dr. Mullally y. Injury Rehabilitation – trainers z. Return to Play protocol aa. Facility safety and evacuation plan bb. Event Security
Continuous Improvement Annual review of policies, programs, and protocol -During the summer months the athletic department reviews all policies programs and facilities. b. Sports Medicine review with St. Anthony’s -An annual meeting is held between the athletic director and the director of sports medicine at St. Anthony’s to review policies, evaluate trainers, and implement new programs at CPHS c. Facility maintenance and check -Identification of Hazards -General upkeep d. Equipment updates -The equipment used by our sports teams is maintained and updated annually. e. Event management and safety manual -Each year our event manual is reviewed and updated