Strategies for Reading


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Presentation transcript:

Strategies for Reading

Strategies Preview Ask questions Synthesize and summarize Make connections Make inferences Visualize Make predictions Evaluate

Preview Look at the title of the story— Look at any pictures/charts/graphs Look at how much narration/description/dialogue is in the story

Ask questions As you read, ask yourself questions to keep yourself engaged and to make meaning from the story. Why…. How… When… Where…

Synthesize and summarize At the end of each paragraph, review what you’ve read, and make sure you are able to put together all the ideas in your own words. Reread if necessary.

Make Connections Try to make personal connections to the story. This is like… I remember when… I can relate to this because…

Make inferences Pay attention to details about characters and plot. What do the characters say or do? What information does the author give you and why? I bet this means that… The author is trying to suggest that… This character is really….because…

Visualize Try to create pictures in your mind that help to make a movie of the story. The more you can “see” what is happening, the more engaged you will be in what happens.

Make predictions After each paragraph or page, make a prediction as to what will happen next. Be sure to include your reasoning with your prediction.

Evaluate As you read, judge the ability of the writer and the truth of his/her message. Do I believe this could happen? Why? Is this character good or evil? Why do I think so?