Respect AMS Substitutes!
What are some of the difficulties of being a substitute teacher What are some of the difficulties of being a substitute teacher? (students answer) (teachers list ideas on board)
Respect Substitute teachers are an extension of the school's teaching staff and should be given the same respect as their classroom teachers. AMS expects students’ behavior is no different when a substitute is covering the room than when the classroom teacher is here.
How should AMS students behave when there is a sub? (Teachers) Put students into groups of three and have them list the type of behavior they should display in a classroom with a sub. (5 min.)
(teachers) Ask students to share their behaviors and record them on the paper provided for this lesson. (Turn the paper into Mrs. Bommarito)
Consequences Substitutes who cover your classroom will keep a close eye on student behavior and will write a report back to the teacher at the end of the day. If your name is left by a substitute, there may be different consequences depending on the teacher (Phone call home, detention, etc.).