Witch Hunts and McCarthyism Michaela Kastura Jordan Howard Aaron Davenport
Witch Hunt An investigation carried out ostensible to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with different views. Try to find and expose disloyalty, subversion, dishonesty. It is usually based on slight, doubtful or irrelevant evidence.
Joseph McCarthy During the 1950s he investigated and prosecuted communists Tactics Sever intimidation Threat of prison Threats and abuse Student, Judge, Marine, Senator He believed these communists worked for the Stare department and sold government secrets to the communist. Americans were scared of communists because they thought communism was taking over the world. When convicting them he never had any real evidence. He charged them with the act of subversion
House Un-American Activities Committee The Committee (HUAC) was created in 1938 It investigated supposed disloyal and suspicious activities. Effected Film, Government, Education, and union industries. Witnesses had to prove their loyalty to the U.S by naming former communists. The “Communists” names were poster publicly on the “Black List”. The list contained the names of people who were under suspicion. They were not allowed to be hired or severed or excepted.
For 36 days it was infornt of a nation-wide television audience McCarthy Televised McCarthy's committee then began an investigation into the United states Army This began at the Army Signal Crops laboratory at Fort Monmouth. He made headlines with stories of a dangerous spys among the Army researchers, but nothing came of this investigation. The case of a U.S. Army dentist who had been promoted to the rank of major despite having refused to answer questions on an Army loyalty review form McCarthy's handling of this investigation, including a series of insults directed at a Brigadier General, led to the Army-McCarthy hearings. For 36 days it was infornt of a nation-wide television audience While the official outcome of the hearings was inconclusive, this exposure of McCarthy to the American public resulted in a decline in his popularity.
Witch Hunt McCarthyism was a witch because it was the tracking down and exposing of spurious people. McCarthyism and the 1692 witch hunts compare in several ways. They both accused different people of spurious and both publicly humiliated people.
International Witch Hunts In 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 authorizing the mass incarceration of over 110,000 Japanese Americans during World War II. During WWII when Hitler wanted to get rid of all the Jews could be know as a “Witch Hunt” because it was the mass exposing of people who had different beliefs and they were hunted down.