Trying to tame the red beast By _______________
He is sleeping because I am feeling calm and happy. MY RED BEAST! IM HAPPY!!!!!!!! He is sleeping because I am feeling calm and happy.
It wakes up when…. … ….
When it wakes up…. It starts with It
It makes others feel… Very ..
The adults help by… Saying, …
The adults help by… showing me “how are you feeling?” card
My quiet place… It is the quiet room. It feels very I would like to have the pictures to remind me to do ………………… and other safe ways to get calm
My red beast gets sleepier again if I… Do .. Have a I would like to try
The adults help by… They give me
When I have tamed it…. I feel …. It would make me feel good if the adult’s said ….
If it wakes up again… I could