Mr. Gaccione’s & Mr. Martin’s Classroom Expectations Be prepared!!!!!!!!!! Every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Course Objective Become informed citizens in the sciences as well as life. Prepare students for further study in biology, the sciences or any other life adventure.
Topics Covered Cell Biology Human Systems Biochemistry Scientific Method Evolution Genetics Ecology
Grading Grades are based on the following: Tests and quizzes – 50 percent Homework – 20 percent (Worksheets, mini-reports, readings) Classwork, Labs & Projects – 30 percent (Labs, models, worksheets, posters, essays, group work, minor projects)
Late Assignments Major Assignments Regular Assignments Due date – full credit One Day Late-70% Two Days late- 50% Three Days late-0% Regular Assignments Work handed in on the due date can get full credit. Late work will get a zero. Absences Absentee work must be made up shortly after the student returns to class.
Tardiness First time a warning is given. Second time detention- morning or afternoon Third time- written up to vice principal
Cell Phone If I see a cell phone, I have to take take it. NO WARNINGS! If you do not hand the cell phone over, you will be written up to the vice principal.
Homework Homework is assigned approximately 3 times per week. However, there is always studying or work from class to be finished. 15 minute rule…Spend at least 15 minutes reviewing the day’s work.
How Mom/Dad can help Ask your daughter/son specifically if they have projects, homework or work to complete. If nothing else ask them to read their class notes from the last few days – THIS SHOULD BE DONE EVERYDAY.
Forming a Partnership Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns you have. WWW.MYTEACHERPAGES.COM 973 - 450 - 3558 x 3558
Go to WWW.MYTEACHERPAGES.COM Click on find teacher Type in angelo gaccione Click on angelo gaccione This will lead you to my website Go to power points & find the correct chapter