EE-0715652 ILOs ILO # Description 1 Comprehend the semiconductor properties as a basis for understanding and calculating device characteristics.. 2 Know well the energy band, carrier concentration, and transport properties of the two most important semiconductors Si and GaAs. 3 Understand the basic device building blocks from which all semiconductor devices can be constructed. 4 Know well homo and hetro junctions. 5 Understand the metal semiconductor contacts, ohmic and rectifying. 6 Understand the metal-insulator-semiconductor, MIS, capacitor of which the Si-based metal- oxide-semiconductor MOS is the dominant member. 7 Understand the operation of metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor depletion, accumulation and inversion. 7 Comprehend and use different data movement instructions of Intel’s 8086/8088 microprocessors
EE-0715652 ILOs ILO # Description 8 Understand the operation of MESFETs and MODFETs (HEMT). 9 Introduction to photonic devices and sensors.